Chapter 3

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KF landed elsewhere and quietly cuts a whole and sneaks in.

Jedi temple:

The jedi  said before getting blasted repeadly

Elsewhere jedi master Cin Drallig  finishes killing another group of clones as he sees Whie and  Bene do the same.

Whie: We need to warn everyone.

Bene: There's too many of them we need to leave and take as many as we can.

Whie: But-

Cin: Look out!

He says as he gets in front of whie and deflects a blaster bolt killing a clone.

Cin: I'm afraid Bene is right...
He says in a sad tone.

Shake ti's chamber:

Shaak: What is it Skywalker?
She was then impaled by Anakin and she died for the fourth time? Or the fifth time?

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