No Art Is As Beautiful As You

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"O.M.G. Wednesday!"

Before she is able to reply, a colorful piece of paper is slammed down onto her desk beside her typewriter. Wednesday scowls, her typing faltering before stopping altogether. "What is this." Her voice is cold, but it does not bother Enid in the slightest.

"I drew it! For you! Do you like it?"

Wednesday's gaze shifts from her dormant hands on her typewriter's keyboard to the drawing. It was horrible.

Lines were everywhere, colors even more so, though the faint outline of what seemed to be a unicorn, or something of the sort, was colored in with red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. The colors of a rainbow. Wednesday makes a mental note to never touch the front side of it.

"I.. Suppose."

Enid nods and leaves the paper, skipping back over to her line of the duct tape without another word. She jumps back onto her bed, a few of her used crayons scattering and rolling across the floor. She doesn't bother to pick them up.

Wednesday is acutely aware of the scratching of pencil against paper as Enid sketches something else, and she glances at the previously drawn art beside her. Subtly, she grabs her briefcase and sets the drawing inside, quietly latching it closed and setting it back down in its original spot. Thing did not notice. She continues typing.

No one is sure how long it is until Enid comes bounding back over to Wednesday, another drawing clutched tight in the palm of her hand. "Wednesdayy~!" She singsongs, a bright smile splitting her face in half. "I have another one for you!" Her voice (if possible) sounds happier than her face looks.

A quiet, almost silent sound resembling something in between a sigh and a groan escapes Wednesday's parted lips, and she turns in her chair to face Enid, her typing stopping immediately. "Let me see it."

Enid more than happily hands it over, bouncing on her toes expectantly. She was waiting for feedback. Or.. something of the sort.

Wednesday inspects it closely, dragging her fingers over the mostly colorless page. It was much less colorful, therefore, less painful.

This time, rather than a horse with a horn atop its oddly shaped and colorful head, it was a bird. Not a pheonix, as Wednesday would have originally assumed Enid would draw, since she seemed to love mythical creatures, but rather what seemed to be a raven, or a crow. (Enid's artistic skills were not the very best).

"Do you like it!?" Enid clasps her hands behind her back, her fangs flashing through her smile.

Wednesday scowls as she feels the words brewing in her throat.

"It is.." She trails off, scowl deepening. "Enjoyable." She spats out, her face contorting with what seemed to be distaste. For herself? Maybe.  Probably.

Enid's eyebrows raise. "I think that might have been one of the nicest things you've ever said to me," she says, her smile growing both impossibly larger and brighter. Wednesday hated it.

"I could make it the last thing I ever say to you, if that is what you would prefer," the goth replies, her distasteful gaze suddenly turning into a cold glare, instead. Even she knew, deep down, the silence would not last.

"But that would hurt my feelings, and we both know you don't really want to hurt my feelings." Enid smiles. She knew she had won, and most likely had since the very beginning.

"Bold of you to assume I don't." Wednesday replies quickly, narrowing her eyes. And for a moment, she's almost convincing. Enid knows better, of course, and simply shrugs, bouncing off back to her own side of the dorm once more.

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