A Proper Greeting

Start from the beginning

Angel Grove

In an alley, a beam of navy blue light falls from the sky and Nero is in its place.

"Alright, now I just gotta blend in." Nero said. "Power down." In that instant, his armor glows blue and fades away, revealing a young man with black hair, brown eyes and a fair complexion. His outfit features a gray hoodie on top of a green jacket, black pants and blue and white sneakers.

 His outfit features a gray hoodie on top of a green jacket, black pants and blue and white sneakers

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(Credit goes to the artist)

Nero looks at his outfit. "Huh. I'm still wearing the same outfit before I got isekai'd here. Though, can I call this an isekai since I'm still on Earth? Granted, it is a parallel Earth that's in the late 20th century." He smacks his cheeks. "Whatever! I got some rangers to find."

Nero walks through the streets of Angel Grove, eventually reaching the Surf Spot, the ranger's new hangout spot.

"Jackpot." Nero enters the building. The interior is mostly a restaurant with a beach theme as it has flip flops, fishnets among various other decorations. "It's no Youth Center, but it ain't half bad." Nero walked around until he found who he was looking for: Andros staring at a surfboard.

'There he is. Man, even I can see that he is out of place.' Nero walks towards Andros. "Hey."

The hidden red ranger turns to me. "Can I help you?"

Nero points to the surfboard. "I noticed that you've been staring at that surfboard for a while."

Andros slowly looks down. "Surfboard...? That's what it's called?"

"You're not from around here are you? Where are you from?" Nero asks.

"KO-35." Andros replies.

"Founds like a space colony." Nero remarks.

This got Andros a little excited. "It is. Do you know about it?"

Nero shrugs. "Afraid not, sorry."

Andros looks crestfallen.

"What's your name?" Nero asked.


Nero raises his hand at Andros. "Nice to meet you, Andros. I'm Nero Stein. You can call me Nero."

Andros looks at my hand before he reluctantly shakes it. "Nice to meet you, too."

"Hey, Andros! Over here!" Ashley calls out.

Nero looks at Andros. "Looks like your friends found you a spot."

Andros hums before looking at Nero. "Do you want to meet them?"

"I don't see why not." With that, the two walk up the steps where the other rangers are. "Hi there. My name's Nero."

"Hi. I'm Ashley."

"I'm Cassie."


"You can call me TJ. Nice to meet you."

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