Chapter 2

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The she-cat walked through the forest holding a chubby mouse between her teeth.  She was bouncy and happy, she had caught quite a few fresh kill!  3 or 4 probably, the minimum for them to survive.  She stopped when she reached the pile of hurries she had made herself to take them, watching as she soon picked up all the hurries and walked to the abandoned house.  It was a long way, but she didn't mind, it was comfortable walking through the Forest without worrying about the clan cats… The Forest was dark and silent… A good thing for someone like her who needed peace… She closed her eyes. eyes feeling the afternoon breeze... The happy and calm smile of the cat settled on her face...

Slight noises could be heard, but not bad noises... "Good" noises... Quiet noises that made the cat smile more.  When she opened her eyes she saw something in front of her.  A cat with yellow fur and blue eyes.  A huge and frightening smile... She stood still with her mouth in her mouth and the cat approached slowly... Step by step... The cat stood still, her fear fed the cat... Until he got to her Is it over there.

—Abandoned house... 500 steps from here... Left... There will be a surprise there... Little cat...-The cat smiled excitedly and disappeared with a leaf passing in front of him.

"Home?... Twoleg House?...- She wondered thinking about... Curious, she started walking again... The breeze wasn't the same anymore, the calm breeze was now aggressive.  She should get home as soon as possible... She then started running as she started to hear heavy raindrops.  She growled irritably, and looked back.  The rain started to fall... — (Damn it...)– She thought to herself.  Still irritated, she quickened her pace, and more and more she could see the abandoned barn.  The leaves fell in the strong wind, and she managed to make it in time... Skidding she saw the other cats outside the house.  The rain was incredibly fast... Just a few seconds long...

-Welcome back!  Looks like she can run already... -Said Sparklepelt, curious and happy that she was already well.

The cat analyzed the scene that was, Darkpaw was with Applepaw.  The orange fur cat was helping him with the herbs.  And soon the "newest" meowed.

—She got better fast! All thanks to me!  The honey-– Darkpaw was cut with a strong slap from Applepaw.  The furry Doberman lifted his head and looked at Applepaw irritably.—WHAT THE WAIT—he was cut off again with another slap.  Darkpaw was already irritated by this and then he snarled at him.

—Don't be a know-it-all, you idiot.– the bicolored eyes snarled at him and they started to fight.

—Don't worry... They'll stop now... They're like brothers, the brothers they never had...-Sparklepelt smiled when he remembered his brother... Their happiness while playing, his concern... Everything... The older cat then got sad and lowered her head... She felt like she was going to cry...

— Are you okay, Sparklepelt?... You look like you're going to cry... –The youngest said worriedly as she approached the other.  SparklePelt looked at her and just laughed.

-Yes!  They're just memories... Don't worry... – The cat laughed in a forced way, but Brokenpaw didn't want to force her to say something... So she just kept silent and smiled weakly.

—If you weren't so stupid and stuck up, we wouldn't be fighting!–Applepaw said as she fought with the shorter one.  They were both angry, and it could be seen in their eyes.

—And if you weren't SOOOO in love with Brokenpaw, you wouldn't be so annoying!– Darkpaw's words hit both of the cats, as much as Brokenpaw who looked kind of bad.  As for Applepaw and growled irritably.

—Don't put her in the middle, you piece of shit!–The cat jumped on him and they started to fight.  Darkpaw was losing, his hatred was blinding him, and Applepaw was winning.  Applepaw was more experienced and smarter, so he was winning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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