iii. CAN'T DENY !

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"HEY! PABLO!" A familiar voice snapped Pablo out of his thoughts and suddenly he gets hit in the arm with a soccer ball. He looks up and sees Pedri looking at him with a concerned look.

"You looked out of it, que te pasa?" [whats wrong] Pedri asks. He was full of concern for the young player. Usually, he was focused during training but it seems like he was out of it.

The young player lets out a sigh as he lightly kicks the ball around. "Everything."


Pablo quickly looks up at the mention of the girl he disliked. His eyebrows furrowed up as he walks up to Pedri, "How do you know her?"

"Come on," Pedri sighs, shaking his head. "Everyone knows about your rivalry. Except, I'm starting to wonder that it might not be a rivalry on your side. I mean, I've seen you flirt with her in comment sections."

Pablo lets out a light scoff. "No, it's just a joke. She hates it, that's why I do it. It's funny seeing her get angry."

"Why do you guys hate each other? Is there a deeper story?"

The younger boy looked up at him as an old memory flashes through his mind.


Pablo was grateful for the bell signaling that lunch was over. Some of his friends were talking about weird stuff and he wanted to end the conversation as soon as possible.

Since they already had their stuff for the next class, they followed him while he went to his locker. He opens his locker and a note slips out. Curiously, he grabs it and reads it. His friends, Luis and Carlos read the note over his shoulder.

Carlos bursted into laughter at the confession. Pablo had gotten confessions from many girls before, but none were ever anonymous or in the form of the note. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices Martina and Giselle passing by.

"Was this you, Lee?" Luis asks Giselle with a sneer. Pablo looks up with a small smile on his face, feeling a bit hopeful as his gaze meets hers.

She looked annoyed at the question and lets out a scoff. "No, never." She says as she flips her hair back.

Pablo's smile faltered a bit. He was hopeful that Giselle was the one who wrote the note. He had slowly started to developed a crush on her over time, but due to their rivalry her never confessed.

He quickly lets out a chuckle and replies, "That would be embarrassing, truly. Thank God it isn't true." He secretly hoped that his friends couldn't tell that he was lying. He shuts his locker and adds, "That'd be gross."

Giselle made a disgusted face at him, "Honestly, I could never like you. That's just- That's just crazy."

Martina quickly grabs her arm and drags her away while saying, "You guys need to just kiss and stop bickering."

Carlos and Luis bursted into laughter once again at the interaction. Pablo pretended to laugh along, ignoring the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He walks with them to class, mentally cursing himself for ever thinking that Giselle could like him.

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