Chapter 1

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It was rare for Endeavor to be requested to lead an attack on a trafficking ring. This was supposed to be the underground heroes' work, but due to the danger of the villains, the commission had requested Endeavor to be on the scene and the other reason for this mission was for increasing Endeavor's popularity among the people which he didn't care about. The only thing he really cared about was defeating villains and reaching the No.1 hero spot by increasing his ranking not being loved by people -he just wanted to be the best. And if he didn't reach his goal, Shoto would reach it and beat All-Might.

So, Endeavor was fuming on his way to the mission scene because the HSPC president's phone call had interrupted Shoto's training and the latter wasn't doing any better despite his training sessions every day. It always frustrated him that Shoto is not an eager learner like Touya, he sometimes refuses to train or use his fireside and he was unlike Touya who wanted to please him even if Endeavor refused to listen to him.

He still remembered the day of his oldest death; he remembered how his heart was beating so rapidly in his chest and the fear that gripped him fully for the first time as he watched his eldest son's fire covering every inch of Sekoto peak, devouring everything in its path and he couldn't stop it, couldn't save his son. He tried looking for Touya in hopes that he didn't die, but all he found was a piece of his jaw. It was the first time in a long time that Endeavor cried. He always hated crying, and always thought it was for the weak, but he allowed himself on this night to break down in the confines of his room. The guilt of losing Touya always followed him and he couldn't shake it off because he knew he was the reason his son was dead.

Despite having a fire quirk, Endeavor felt coldness in the pit of his stomach as the wind blew on his way to the warehouse that they had to attack, it was the same coldness he felt on the night of Touya's death - It was the type of coldness that reaches into his bones and seep into his heart and made him anxious about what was going to happen.

He hid his unease when he met his fellow heroes and exchanged more information about the attack and what will be his role in it. If it was for him, he would barge into the warehouse and finish the mission as soon as possible, so he could return to his home and resume Shoto's training. But the heroes working with him have orders from the commission that rescuing the children trapped inside the warehouse is their priority and try to not make enough damage for the children safety, meaning that Endeavor wouldn't use his fire in such a closed place to not hurt the children

It was a ridiculous mission for him to be in it - really Endeavor wasn't used to this kind of missions, but he had to follow the commission's orders and he knew the place would be swarmed by reporters and helicopters to record everything happening which was the whole reason Endeavor was leading this mission.

He could feel his quirk building up inside his body, ready to be unleashed on whoever dared to cross his path. He was so angry that he wanted to get his anger on any villain he encountered, but he couldn't use his flames in such a place and this fact made him more angry.

Despite the dangers of the villains, they barely knew how to fight, so he knew that the heroes would win the fight without putting so much effort into it or that's what Endeavor thought as he watched the other heroes fighting members of the trafficking ring and one of the stupid criminal thought it would be a good idea to attack Endeavor -

The villain's arm was shaped like a blade as he surged forward towards Endeavor and the latter finally found an excuse to use his fire. He grabbed the villain's arms without even sweating and lit it on fire which made him scream and the sound was like music to his ears. - he really despised villains and he wanted to get rid of every single villain in Japan, they don't deserve to live because they are the scum of Earth.

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