Chapter 5

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Tyler's pov:

Luciano is taking me home cause Leon said I might run into danger and it's night so he told Luciano to send me home.

"I think this is enough, because if you come any closer to my house you will be in danger"

"Don't worry,I can fly"

"I know but I don't want people to hurt you"

"Don't worry,I'm strong too"

"You know what?I will just run home and you keep watching me from here"


"Thank you"

"You're welcome"

After that we bid goodbye even though it was so hard to say goodbye to him cause he was like a gum, sticking to me all the way to my home.

After that I went inside and the first thing I heard was my dad .

"Where the hell were you?"

"Sorry dad,I was feeling sick at the wedding so I wanted to go home but someone stalked me so I run and somehow I lost my way"

"🤦 What are you a child?"

"Yeah anyway,so now Amelia married the king,I hope they will have a child soon" I said trying to not sound suspicious

"No,they won't "

"What do you mean dad?"

"Amelia didn't get married to the king"


"A vampire crashed their wedding and he took Amelia in exchange of our life,she became a sacrifice,and that vampire killed the king "

"WHAT?" Didn't vampires died 500 years ago?

"Well apparently some are still alive "

"Poor Amelia" I said with fake sadness

"I know she was your best friend,but today she was a true hero,she sacrificed in order for us to live,I hope she is in a better place now"

"Don't worry dad,of course she is in a better place "
That girl is in a castle with her lover

"Come on let's eat dinner " my mom yelled

"I'm coming mom,just let me change my clothes "

After that we sat to eat dinner and after dinner we talked something related to business with my dad and then I went to sleep cause it was late.


Leon's pov:

I just got home,my castle after hunting for two hours.
I hunted for animals of course,and I don't drink human blood, it's disgusting and full of oil,and it smells bad. I can eat meat of animals or any food humans can consume, I know that you heard stories about vampires but Amelia broke that curse,we are similar to humans expect few things like flying, being able to transform, being able to love only once,and living longer that them,of course we can die to but in a different way,and that way is by pulling our heart out or staying out heart or our mate dieing or leaving us,or for weaker vampire they can die by burning them.
Now I just went to my room and took a relaxing bath and thinking about Amelia and how I can get her memory back.
After I took the bath I wore my night gown and was ready to go to sleep when Luciano knocked on my door.


"Yes,come in"

"I took Tyler safely to his house"

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