Chapter 9 | Halloween Plans

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Mom is a total horror movie buff. From classics to camp, she loves them all. So I decided to scare her. I quietly made my way downstairs to the kitchen where she was making breakfast. I noticed she was on the phone which was perfect because she was turned around. I snuck to the side of the kitchen island where she couldn't see me. When she turned around I spoke and scared her.

"What's your favorite scary movie?" I asked smiling.

"Jesus you scared the shit out of me!" She turns back to making breakfast, slightly annoyed.

"I think I finally cracked the perfect Halloween movie marathon. Scream, Black Swan, and The Shining. The Shining is classic. Scream is camp."

Ginny came downstairs and joined in our conversation. "White people do the darnedest things."

I smiled and continued. "Cap it off with Black Swan. It's contemplative, nuanced, eerily disturbing, and it has a message. I'm not sure what it is. Something to do with the two women mirroring each other. The constant need for perfection and adoration. Wow. Am I, like, a genius? Was that an off-the-cuff thesis or what?" I looked over at Ginny and she smiled while rolling her eyes. I looked back to mom who hadn't made a single comment or noise since I started to talk. "Hey, everything ok?"

"Everything's fine." She smiled and turned back to breakfast. Me and Ginny exchanged looks. Then I began to study mom, getting lost in watching her cook.

"Can I watch with you this year?" We all jumped as Austin popped up from behind all of us.

"No!" Ginny told him.

"Yeah." Mom told him as well. Mom and Ginny looked at each other. "He's fine. It's just a scary movie."

"Mom he's gonna get nightmares." Ginny told her.

"No he won't." Austin replied for her.

"See? No, he won't." Mom defended him.

Ginny looked over across the island and saw half opened mail sitting with her name on it. She sighed. "You do know opening other people's mail is a federal offense?"

"Arrest me." Mom said to Ginny. Ginny opened up her mail as mom continued. "You picked out some of my faves though. I'm glad you're finally decorating." Mom opens the drawer next to her. Inside is the most amount of sugar packets I think I've ever seen.

"Where did you get all those?" Ginny questioned.

"Blue farm." Mom told her.

"Just buy the sugar, Mom." I told her. The lights flickered for what seemed like the fifth time this morning. "What's with that? The lights have been flickering all morning." I questioned mom but she ignored me.

"Mom, is the house haunted?" Austin asked her. Again she ignored. "Mom?" Austin continued. "Mom? Is it-" before he could finish mom quickly turned around and scared us.

"Yes!" She yelled. And begun her evil laugher.

Ginny shook her head at moms immaturity. "It's not haunted." She told Austin. "Mom just needs to call an electrician and a shrink."

"Just think of it as part of the spooky ambiance. Grab the hot sauce." She told Ginny as she was dishing out breakfast.

"We can afford an electrician, right?" I questioned. "This isn't going to be like Maryland, where we had to use flashlights for a month?"

"That was fun. Flashlight tag." Austin defended.

"Oh yeah. Poverty's a hoot." Ginny tagged in.

Georgia gave Ginny a smile as she handed her plates of food to bring to the main table. As we all sat down to eat Ginny began conversation with Mom.

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