Chapter 4 | Faces, not Masks

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i wake up to my alarm. i groan as i look at my phone to see what time it is. "7:00? ugh." i groan louder and sit up. i rub my eyes and yawn, thinking about last night. no one was home, luckily. mom and Austin were at a town meeting sorta thing with a bunch of moms, including Marcus and Max's mom, and Ginny was out with Max at a party. so lucky no one was there to see everything go down. but, it's all i could think about. i grab my phone, and scroll through instagram for a second, seeing what my old friends were up to from my old towns. i never made many friends, but the ones i did make i tried to keep in touch with the most. i then remember something Marcus told me last night. that he doesn't want it getting back to Padma. curious, i look up that name in instagram and try to see if Marcus follows any. sure enough i find one and i stalk through it a bit. that's when i see a video of a party, where you can see Marcus making out with who i assume is Padma.
"shit." i look at the date of the post. 4 days ago
"well fuck."
i suddenly see a text message pop up from a random number that reads "hey stalker." immediately i know it's Marcus. i hesitate to open it but do it anyways.
"how did you get my number? maybe you are the stalker"
"Max gave it to me, i told her we had a project to work on together :)"
"god you are weird :)"
i put my phone down and look back in my closet, trying to think of what to wear. finally i found something.

after i study how i look in my mirror, i sit down at my vanity and grab my makeup remover and some cotton pads and start taking off my remaining makeup from last night

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after i study how i look in my mirror, i sit down at my vanity and grab my makeup remover and some cotton pads and start taking off my remaining makeup from last night. i'm usually really good at remembering to take it off but, last night was different.
mom has always cared about her beauty. she makes sure to carefully guard it. she knows she's beautiful, and she try's her best to implement her mentality to us. although i appreciate her efforts, i don't always think i'm the best looking. and to fix that i use makeup. nothing chaotic, but enough that i look pleasant in my eyes.
"it's a face, not a mask." mom always said while we watched her do her makeup. but what she doesn't know is i do both. well in a way i guess.


i have a hard time opening up to people. my relationship with my dad wasn't the best. after my mom died he kinda went downhill. he started drinking and going to clubs every night. i was kinda young, maybe 10? 11? i'm not sure. but that's when he met Georgia in a club one night. he brought her home and they did their thing. i was used to him bringing girls home and then them leaving early in the morning.
but Georgia stayed. she was always super nice to me and helped me on school projects. when i was 12 me and dad got into a fight and he ended up slapping me across the face. as he slapped me, Georgia walked into our house. i laid on the floor crying as she walked my dad to the bedroom. she then walked into the kitchen and poured him a cup of coffee. i swear i thought i saw her put something else in his coffee but it might've just been sugar. she kept looking at me crying on the floor holding my face. after what feels like forever, she runs out of my dads room and grabs me.
"come on honey we gotta go." she runs to the side of the house that held dads motorcycle and put me on it. and we just ran. that's when i figured out she had a daughter who was my age and son who was younger than me by quite a few years.

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