"Rory calm down it's completely normal. It's your first date and I honestly think its a good idea and Woods nice"

"Sorry I'm calm" She laughs at me as I quickly drink the rest of my coffee before heading down to meet Ollie. I find him leaning against the wall near the portrait hole his eyes to the floor looking almost nervous. I walk over to him, he finally looks up when I get near him.

"You look stunning Rory" He blushes slightly.

"You don't look so bad yourself Ollie" I smile at him he holds out his hand for me, I place mine in his as he links our fingers.

"Should we get going then" I nod to him. He leads us out of the castle and down to the carriages into Hogsmeade never letting go of my hand.

"Where did you want to go first Rory" He asks as soon as we get to Hogsmeade.

"What about Honey Dukes, I've run out of sugar quills" I say as I spot Fred and George heading to Zonko's, George sends me a wink whilst Fred looks slightly unimpressed I wonder what's wrong with him. I decide not to think about it and concentrate on my date.

"Let's go but on the condition I'm paying for them" Such a gentleman.

"Is there any point in trying to argue this point with you"

"Nope so come on Rory lets go get you some sugar quills and then we could go get a drink again I'm paying"

"Am I allowed to pay for anything today?"

"Nope" He starts walking to Honey dukes sweet shop our hands still linked.

"So Ollie what's your favourite sweet then?"

"I'd have to say Fudge flies or peppermint toads. It's too hard to choose" He says grabbing far too many sugar quills as well as some sweets for himself.

"Thats a lot of sugar quills you know Ollie" He smirks at me.

"Well don't want you running out again do we" I smile at him. He truly is as sweet as everyone always says when it doesn't include Quidditch.

"Thank you" I say as I kiss him on the cheek making him blush. He goes to pay momentarily releasing my hand before grabbing it again and interlocking our fingers.

"Right how about a drink"

"Sure as long as it's as far away from Madam Puddifoots as possible" He laughs.

"Thank god for that Rory, I hate that place reminds me of Trelawny's classroom a bit too much with the perfume smells" We head towards the three broomsticks, Ollie holding the door for me "You go find a table and I'll get the drink's Butterbeer okay or did you want something else?"

"Butterbeers fine thank you Ollie" I head to one of the tables furthest from the door. A few minutes later Ollie walks over holding to mugs of butterbeer placing one in front of me.

"There you go" He slides onto the seat next to me.

"Thank you" I take a small sip of my butterbeer as he does the same. We sit talking until it's nearly time to head back up to the school.

"Rory I have something to ask you. Don't feel bad if you don't want to I won't mind honestly"

"What's up Ollie?"

"Would you do me the honours of being my girlfriend?" He looks down for a few seconds until I answer.

"I would love to Ollie" His eyes meet mine as he interlocks our fingers again.

"Can I kiss you"

"You don't need to ask" As soon as I finish what I'm saying his hand cups my face as his lips meet mine. After a few seconds he pulls away.

In love with a Weasley (Charlie Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now