No one could hear her.

Emersyn fell against the wall. "Where's Fury?!" She said louder.

No one turned to her.

"DAMN IT WHERE'S DIRECTOR FURY!?" She yelled desperately.

Several doctors and visitors stared at her in concern. One nurse pointed down the hall and said calmly, "Room 105."

"Thank you." Emersyn breathed as she ran off again. She shouldered people out of the way until she met the door. It loomed over her threateningly, holding a nightmare in front of her. Emersyn paused before it and choked to find air. She squeezed her eyes shut and cranked the handle down, not opening them for fear of what she would see before her.

A medical room was behind a wall of glass, holding Nick Fury on a table with many doctors surrounding him. Emersyn froze at the doorframe, chest heaving. She finally managed to peel her eyelids apart, and then could not move from the sight before her. They were glued onto the unmoving form of Fury, who was stained with blood, and dying, and she could not do anything to help him.

Natasha was there too, leaning against the glass, and turned to see who the visitor was. Emersyn did not even notice her friend was there. Still, she did not look at anyone but Fury. Her feet slowly dragged herself forward, scared and wary. Emersyn neared the glass, eyes watering, and leaned against it for support.

The silence in the room was painful. It left her feeling very alone, with only her thoughts, and Fury's body who would not answer her. Emersyn couldn't help but feel her heart drop in dismay. She hoped it wasn't real. When she got the call, when she sped through the streets, when she ran through the halls, she was praying it wasn't real. Emersyn wanted to burst into the room, see Fury standing and smiling, and crack a joke. Now, the harsh reality stood before her.

It couldn't be real. The thought was- impossible. Nick Fury couldn't.. die, she told her repeatedly.
But there he was, dying, and there was Emersyn, dreading every second that passed. Every moment that Nick Fury did not open his eyes meant he was growing closer and closer to never opening them again.
She prayed someone would speak, someone would break this terrible, choking silence. She could not just sit and watch as time stretched on and on.

Maria Hill appeared beside her and put a hand on Emersyn's back. At the touch, she screwed up her eyes to avoid crying and slapped Hill's hand away. "Don't touch me." She barely whispered.

"He's in V-Tach." The voice of one of the nurses was distant.

Emersyn's eyes remained glued to to the operating table, and with every second her breath grew shakier. Her heart was throbbing, about to burst inside her head. Every second grew longer, every second brought more agony, more noise, more chaos. And Emersyn was in control of none of it.

"Crash cart coming in."

Doctors and nurses hurried around Fury's body with equipment.

"Nurse help me with-"

"BP's dropping."


The pounding grew louder and louder, screaming for escape, desperate for freedom. Emersyn screwed her face up in pain, and forced back her tears. She couldn't cry. Not in front of Steve Rogers. Not here. It wasn't over yet. It can't be over yet.

She was aware of Steve's presence, and that made it all worse, because she hated for him to see her like this. Emersyn had tried to maintain her cool as much as one could when their loved one is dying, but at some point she knew she would break.

"Charge him at 100."

Come on, Nick. She pleaded in her head. Come on. Come on.

"Don't do this to me, Nick." Natasha muttered.

SAVOR || s. rogersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें