Chapter 3: The Friendship with Komi

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Tadano had always been a solitary person, but one day, for no reason other than plot, as the class was ending, a wild Tadano was sleeping. When he came to semi-lucid conscious , he found himself alone in the classroom with Komi.

Realizing he had to go to gym, but he barely sleeps, of course continued to sleep. "Meow." He jumped up confused on what he just heard looking in the direction of Komi, "Uh.. was that?" he paused for a moment looking at the petrified woman in front of him "Listen we all do out weird things so uh, I didn't hear anything." he finished but as soon as he finished talking she SHOT out of the room, almost like in an American school, "Wait!" he exclaimed cringily " Are you..." he paused "Bad at talking to people?"

Komi hesitated for a moment before walking over to the chalkboard. She wrote about how when she was younger she could never talk to people and always ate lunch alone. She wrote, "Sorry for wasting your time, I didn't mean to bother you." and turned to leave again, but Tadano wrote back, "It's nice outside today" on the chalkboard, and she stopped.

That was the start of their friendship, they started to converse on the chalkboard, and it was a slow process, but Tadano found that he could talk to her about anything, and she always seemed to understand. He was grateful for her companionship and was looking forward to seeing where their friendship would take them.

After Komi had stopped to read Tadano's message on the chalkboard, they began to communicate through written notes. Tadano found that he could talk to Komi about anything, and she always seemed to understand. They would often stay after class and talk about different topics.

"Hey, have you been to the park near school yet?" Tadano asked Komi one day after class.

"No, I haven't. But I've heard it's really nice," Komi wrote back.

"Yeah, it is. We should go there sometime," Tadano suggested.

"That sounds like fun," Komi wrote, smiling.

As they continued to talk, Tadano found that he was becoming more comfortable with Komi. He was no longer nervous about talking to her and was starting to open up more about himself. Komi was also opening up more, and they were both starting to learn more about each other.

Their friendship continued to grow, they started to hang out outside of school, and they were always finding new things to talk about. They found a sense of comfort in each other's company and it helped them both to heal.

As the weeks passed by, Tadano started to feel like he was finding a way to communicate again. He was no longer the silent, withdrawn boy he used to be, and he had Komi to thank for that.

As Tadano and Komi continued to hang out, they found themselves talking about more personal subjects. Tadano found himself opening up more to Komi, and she listened with understanding and empathy. They both shared their struggles and difficulties, and they both found comfort in each other's company.

Tadano would often stay quiet during their conversations, but Komi could tell that he was going through something difficult. She could see the sadness in his eyes and the way he would sometimes drift off into thought. But she never pushed him to talk about it, she knew that he would tell her when he was ready.

As the weeks passed by, Tadano still didn't feel comfortable talking about his emotions but he was grateful for the friendship he had found in Komi and the comfort it brought him.

Small note, sure komi has issues communicating but the stuff she 'talks' aka writes about is mostly normal teenager stuff, besides it being weird because its an anime.

End, 734 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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