I - a beginning

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THE MOON ROSE SLOWLY. A girl walked in the dark, the only light was the glimmering moon. She was followed by two other children, about 8 and 5. They opened the door to a creepy place and the wind shut it.

Two parents were there.

"Achlys. Look, we really don't—"

"Want me to go?" She guessed, "Sorry mother. You asked for this." Achlys left the room.

"Where's Achlys going?" Asked a young Wednesday. She looked confused. Gomez knelt down.

"She'll come back next summer." He grinned.


The next morning she left for the place.

Westover Hall looks like a castle where an evil knight would live: all black stone, with towers and slit windows. A big set of wooden doors on the edge of a rocky, snowy unwelcoming cliff overlooking a big frosty forest at one side and a gray churning ocean on the other. The inside is decorated with antique war paraphernalia: battle flags, old rifles, and medieval weapons.

"Welcome." A lady said. Miss Gottschalk. Funny? Yeah. She had a wispy moustache which was pretty funny.

Achlys got her room and a roommate, Bianca Di Angelo who arrived with her younger brother not too long ago. They became friends and Nico was obsessed with mythomagic.

Bianca called it childish but Achlys hit her on the head. Achlys became a sister to them both. She became closer with them and time zoomed around up until the day everything changed.

The westover hall dance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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