"Fine, I'll ask or drag him out if he says no. I've gotten pretty good at dragging that mackerel around when I need to. If this goes south, I'm gonna have your heads ya know." He clicks his tongue, reaching to end the call just when Yuan spoke up in a rush.

"Come on, it'll be fine! Just don't get caught drinking underage!" Chuuya shakes his head as he hangs up. Seriously? Listen, just because that happened once or twice doesn't mean he actively decides to break the law. Plus, alcohol is bad for his heart rate, and he has been trying not to strain it... too much. He just has to be a sliver more careful now since the last episode. He's been fine since then, hasn't had anything act up, and he certainly hasn't felt anything wrong in quite a while.

The phone in his hand weighed heavily in his palm as his eyes stared at the brunette's contact. It's always like this now, he's never sure whether he'll call him and be hung up on, or in the worst case, if his phone goes to voicemail and he's done something stupid... It's been a true and plausible outcome for a while now. He knows it's not getting any better, he's... he's more or less acting most of the time. It's like he's chained to a fate that he can't change. He doesn't know what it is that he won't change. A part of him truly worries he's set on killing himself by the end of the year, that he's only holding out for the year. It's so frustrating. Shaking his head, he lets the phone ring for a bit. The relief in his chest isn't something he ignores anymore when it's picked up on the first two rings. "Chibi's calling me? What do I owe the wonderful pleasure of the slug's gracious time today?!" That singsong tone masks an empty sort of sulking feeling. He pretends not to notice, not to see that he's still struggling beneath a weight that hasn't left since that day he came back after that absence.

"Get your ass out of bed, we're going out to do something. You're lucky I called beforehand, you damn mackerel. Do I have to keep reminding you that I've still got a little left to grow dumb-ass? If I get there and you're still in bed, I'll hit you upside the head." While the ginger's voice is set in an annoyed grumble, there are webs of fondness only Dazai would be able to pick up on through the other side of the line.

There's a heavy sigh and the rustling of blankets coming from the other side of the line. It's yet another spark of feeling in the petite male's chest. "I'd prefer if Chibi strangled me~ It would be so much more relaxing." So it's one of those days... where there's an empty pit in his stomach... he hates days like this. Days when Dazai spirals right back to where they started, despite the progress they had made to help him. It's not infuriating, simply frustrating, but he refuses to give up on the bastard. He refuses to let him slip through his fingers and leave him behind.

"Oh fuck off bastard, just get yourself ready, or do I need to do it for you?" Once more to bystanders, his tone is mocking, and at first look, it would seem he resents the brunette he's talking to. That's never the case, he's not sure it ever was the case. Dazai's... he's always just been confusing when it comes to their relationship. His words are caring, they're an offer to help in an aggressive way that almost makes it seem like he truly is annoyed by him. He knows that Dazai sees through him, and reads him like his every word is something displayed elegantly written in a book. Just as Dazai makes no effort to communicate himself, Chuuya needs only to observe his jokes, the way they are said, and the movements of his body to read him like a coded manuscript. He'll never truly understand Dazai, but that's the beauty of it. They fit together like two unique pieces in a puzzle. There's a running thought he sometimes entertains, in another life they could have been the best of partners, knowing the other's move, being able to code their own language to tell things about another's words without having to think too hard... that's their sort of vibe, two people who should be enemies who have every right to look at each other with annoyance, yet are drawn to each other with no real reason... There's so much they don't know about each other, so much that tries to keep them apart, but more than that they keep pulling towards each other, connected even through the worst sides of themselves.

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