⁠♡ Stay Away

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"Come in," The teacher's voice echoed softly, her gaze sweeping over me with a discerning nod

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"Come in," The teacher's voice echoed softly, her gaze sweeping over me with a discerning nod. The classroom exhaled into a hush as I entered and positioned myself next to the teacher. My eyes met those of the students already settled into their seats. "Hello, I'm Sève Auxerrois," I greeted my classmates with a smile, "A transfer student from the Philippines,"

The room was buzzing with curiosity-first-day vibes and all. Fingers crossed, no one throws shade my way.

The teacher nodded back, shooting me a slight grin, "I am Mrs. Kincaid, and welcome to your first day of English class." Her eyes lit up. "Today, we'll be delving into the works of Shakespeare, so please find a seat next to Dior," she announced, her gaze directed towards a guy lounging on the last bench near the window.

The boy's brow arched with amusement as his name echoed through the classroom. He blinked a couple of times before he raised his arm in the air, acknowledging my search for him within the confines of the classroom.

"Hey, I'm Dior," he greeted with a grin tugging at his lips.

"Nice to meet you," I replied, a warm smile on my face,

Suddenly a paper ball sailed through the air, finding its mark on his head. Subconsciously we both turned, searching for the culprit; a girl with blonde locks, wearing a pout was caught looking at our way.

"What?" Dior couldn't help but voice his confusion,

"Get me a bar of chocolate," she muttered.

Dior shot a judgmental glance over her from head to toe. "Who do you think I am? Your sugar daddy?"

The girl rolled her eyes, an exaggerated sigh escaping her lips. "Come on, Dior. I forgot my wallet, and you owe me."

Dior crossed his arms, a smirk on his lips. "Owe you? Last time I checked, my debts didn't include funding your sweet tooth."

I looked at the girl scrunching her nose and saying, "You are like my little brother, aren't you?"

Dior shook his head, a playful glint in his eyes. "No way, sweetheart. I'm not ready to be anyone's brother. I'm more like that distant cousin you see once a year and exchange orgasms."

My eyes widened at his statement. Did this kid really just say that? People in the West are wild.

"Ewww, I thought we had a sibling connection." The blonde raised an eyebrow, feigning offense.

Dior uncrossed his arms, a playful glint in his eyes. "No way, being your brother comes with way too many responsibilities. I'm more of the cool, friend type."

"Ouch, Di, that hurts."

Dior chuckled, "Sorry, no adopting sisters today. I'll stick to being the charming friend."

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