I hear silence on the other end of line."Avery are you still there ?" Avery chuckles softly. "Yeah I'm here thanks again Memphis this means so much to me I never thought I would be so excited to go corporate and decorate and stage a bunch of model homes."

Avery dropped his voice to match my sleepy tone and it's probably the softest and most heartfelt I have ever heard Avery speak and it touches something in my heart. "No problem Avery but next time wait until after noon to call me, what if you were interrupting something?" Avery laughs."Like you would answer if I was inter...Never mind knowing you that is exactly what you would do. So am I interrupting anything maybe some fun time with Adam? He seemed like a nice guy I'm glad to see you date for once not just take home some bar slut."

I huff. "No Avery, you noisy bastard I already left Adam to his own devices. I was just trying to get some more sleep to make up for the amount I missed last night but some short shit decided to call me at.." I look at the clock beside my bed. "Damn is it really already eleven well never mind little man I needed to get up anyways. I already caught up on my shut eye. Do you want to go out tonight to celebrate maybe hit up a club or something?"

Avery squeals and I pull the phone away from my ear. "Jesus H Christ Avery was blowing my ear drum out necessary?" Avery laughs. "Sorry sorry, ok yeah I will meet you at your place at eight that way I have time to dress you and that's to bad about Adam I really liked him."

I scoff. "Yea Adam was ok. And what is wrong with my style? All the boys like the cowboy boots and the hat it gets me more ass than you could ever imagine." Avery admonishes me."Memphis Ray Rawlings, there is no need to be so crass." I laugh at his fake Texan accent. "Oh you love it little man I know you do too so don't try to lie."

I hear Avery huff and sigh. "Ok I have to go I have shit to do today before I see ya tonight." Avery says goodbye and I hang up.

Man I have to do laundry and a bunch of other chores today, ugh maybe I should just go back to sleep. I make myself get out of bed and start my day. I start a load of work jeans for next week and make my way to the kitchen. I look in the pantry and fridge and they are both pretty empty so I add grocery shopping to my lists of things to get done today.

I walk out back into my workroom and shed. I have everything I could possible need in here, whether it's my tools for wood work or my riding lawn mower I have it all in a nice open work space. Sadly today I have to mow the lawn so I put it in neutral and pull it out while casting a longing glance at my tools and the wood piece I had been working on for over a month. Maybe if I finish the yard quickly I can make some time to work on it today, if not I know I plan to spend all day tomorrow working on it.

I get to the slow process of mowing my acre of land. To me it's not big, I grew up on forty acres and that was small for Texas but damn land is expensive in California so an acre is all I have. It is just me anyhow, I don't have a family or anything and its not like I'm going to raise any live stock so an acre works just fine for me plus it's a lot easier to maintain.

I work as the sun slowly lowers in the sky. When I'm finally done and put the mower away I go pressure wash and wipe down my beautiful windows on the front of my house. When I'm finally done outside I decide I want to eat so no wood working today. I go shower the sweat off quickly and put on some jeans and a shirt to run to the grocery store. I find my boots where I threw them this morning and look for my black stetson. I find my hat literally in the last place I look, on the hook by the front door where it belongs. Who would of thought. "Ha"

I walk out to my truck and head to go through a drive thru before I go grocery shopping I'm starving and can't wait. I pull up to Carl's Jr. and place my order and pull into a stall and inhale a burger and fries before heading to the grocery store.

I grab a cart and walk through the double doors and start going isle to isle grabbing staples and snacks for myself. I'm walking down the freezer isle (Porn cliche) when a guy bumps into me with his cart."O man I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." I eye him up and down and the man is cute with sun kissed blonde hair and tiny little freckles on his cheeks. "No problem you can bump into me anytime." I wink at him.

The guy blushes and I stick out my hand. "I'm Memphis it's nice to meet you." The guy sticks his hand out. "Oh I'm Darren nice to meet you too." I rub my thumb over his hand seductively. "Ummha that's a nice name. I'm was just about to go home and make myself a steak dinner would you like to join me?" I lay my Texan accent on thick trying to entice him.

"Oh really? I mean sure yeah I would like that. Here let me get your number so you I can call you when I get done taking my groceries home." I give Darren my number and wink as I go to pay for my groceries. Damn he was so cute, I just love little meek guys it's so fun to get them to go crazy in bed. I leave the store around three excited to see if I can get Darren in my bed and gone before Avery shows up to go out tonight. Oh well if I don't it won't be the first time Avery has had to push a fuck out of my house because we have plans to go somewhere and his impatience ass gets railed up to easy anyway so I don't feel to bad about it.

Ok don't kill me not a lot happened in this chapter but I wanted to give you a feel for who Memphis is and sadly he is a man whore so that's what I wrote. Vote or Comment and let me know wha you think.

Avery's Heart #4Where stories live. Discover now