ꕥChapter Ⅲ ꕥ

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Neteyam wondered where Tulua was taking his sister but before he could ask, Jake grabbed Lo'ak and him by the shoulders and maneuvered them out of the Marui away from Neytiri and Tuks earshot. "Listen son's, i know it must be hard moving from the forest, but this will be our home for now and i need to to not cause trouble, Understand?" Jake warns the boys in a gentle way patting down both their heads. "Yes sir" came Neteyams reply, he turned his head to the side towards loak and his lack of reply to their fathers warning. Only to notice that Lo'ak just kept looking at the reef beyond, mesmerized by its beauty. Nudging Loak with his shoulder to bring him back tothe real world, neteyam starts to indicate towards Jake who was waiting for Lo'ak's reply. "Wha-oh right, yes sir" Lo'ak quickly replied earning a sigh from jake whilst he went to go join Neytiri and Tuk at unpacking. 


Neteyam found himself walking in the shallow waters of the reef when it was nearing eclipse. He wanted to experience his first eclipse in Awa'atlu surrounded by the unseen beauty of the reef. Yet he missed the forest, he missed swinging through the trees and the feel of the soft grass on his heel. He missed the canopy of evergreen that shaded them in the hottest days. Neteyam missed his home...He missed Mo'at and the rest of his clan. 

Neteyams tail swished through the shallow water as it slowly cooled down. His attention was drawn to what seemed to be Kiri's voice talking to anothers which he identified to be Tuluas. "Can you tell me about the Sea?" Neteyam heard Kiri ask Tulua who seemed to have some sort of 'animal' in her lap.

 "The way of water has no beginning and no end.... The sea is around you and in you...The sea is your home, before your birth and after your death. Eywa protects you through the sea, its Eywa saying thank you to her people by gifting us with the wonders within... The sea is my home and i am its child now and forever. Every time my heart beats, it beats the same beat as the sea and its wonders" Neteyam felt Tuluas passion and love for the sea illuminated by her voice. To love a place as if it were a person is just...enchanting to witness. To fall in love with nature and what surrounds us is truly a miricale gifted by Eywa. 

Neteyam felt his heart beat faster in panic when Tulua turns around and hold eye contact with him. Anyone who caught someone invading their privacy would be mad but Tulua just smiled at neteyam and waved him over, gaining Kiris attention to him in the process. "How long have you been listening?" Kiri just glared at her older brother who took a seat next to her. "not long, just the sea bit" Now taking a look at Tuluas lap properly, he noticed that in fact it wasnt an animal but a baby boy in her lap, the same one who she was holding when they first glimpsed. 

"Is he your brother?" Neteyam asks the girl who gently ran her fingers through the little babys unbraided hair. "Yes" She smiles softly at the baby in her lap before looking into Neteyams eyes. He felt his heartbeat rise again whilst Kiri just sighs at her alone time with Tulua being interrupted. "How have you guys liked Awa'atlu so far?" Tulua asks the siblings out of the blue. "Everyone thinks that were freaks" came kiris immediate reply. Neteyam looked at his younger sister with a frown. "Ma Kiri, don't listen to them sis" Neteyam swings his arm across kiris shoulders in a half hug before going back to his initial position. "You're just saying that cuz you have three fingers instead of four."

Neteyam felt his heart churn at his sisters truthful words, sure he had it a little easier since he had three fingers, but he still received the same backlash his siblings did, if not more for always standing up for them. Truth is Neteyam never really felt understood by anyone and especially not his family. Neytiri would at least try and understand but would immediately tell jake about the issue. Jake just put so much pressure on Neteyams shoulders that he should be crawling because of the weight. 

Being the oldest ment that he always had to take the blame on himself, that was his duty...to protect his siblings. Thats all he did ever since he was little, he never had a life of his own because he was either training to be future Olo'eyktan or protecting his siblings from doing stupid skxawng things...especially Lo'ak.

Tulua felt the sudden change in Neteyams cheerful demeanor, but he still put up a smile to hide his true emotions. Neteyam felt someone looking at him and when he caught eye of Tulua giving him a reassuring smile. He smiled back though Tulua noticed it didn't reach his eyes. 

"Have you dived into the reef yet Neteyam?" Tulua asks the boy whilst Kiri gets lost in her own world as she looks at the body of water in front of them. "Not yet, just walked along the shallow parts" Neteyam smiles. His attention however shifted to sudden cry of Tuluas brother. The babies cry startled Kiri out of her trance. "Ah sorry about that...Shh it's alright Atan, don't cry baby boy" Tulu immediately gets up and starts to bounce Atan on her hip.

"It's alright don't apologize" Neteyam smiles kindly whilst getting up and helping Kiri get up as well. "He must be cold" Tulua holds Atan close to her chest cradling him so his head looks over her shoulder. "We should probably part ways now, its getting late" Tulua smiles at Kiri and Neteyam whilst they bid they're farewells as well. 

"Soooooo" Kiri grins at Neteyam "So?" He questions, skeptical of the tone of voice Kiri was using to tease him. "You like Tulua" She smiles mischievously earning a glare and a slap on the head from her older brother. "Shut up! I do not" Neteyam groans whilst walking faster to their Marui. "C'mon Teyam, you've been giving her googly eyes since you first saw her today!" Neteyam just rolls his eyes at his younger sister's persistence on the topic. 


"Where were you two?" Lo'ak asks Neteyam and Kiri once they arrive back home. "No whe-" Neteyam started but was interrupted by Kiri "With Tulua" Neteyam just groans as he looks back to Lo'ak who went quiet. 'Was he feeling bad that he was left out?' Neteyam thought as his younger brother just played it off by rolling his eyes and turned around and headed to his mat to sleep on. "What's up with her" Tuk asks whilst eyes the moody Lo'ak. "Tuk don't call your brother her" Neytiri scolds little tuk earning a soft smile from jake. 

Neteyam loved these little moments between his family the most, wherever they went, this family would be his fortress...now and forever until his very last breath. This time a few weeks ago...before everything went haywire, Neteyam remembered laying in his hammock looking up at the stars through the evergreen canopy. He remembered wishing to be stuck in that moment forever...and forever...yet now today, he was in a whole different place, with different people...different culture. He had to call this place home now... 

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