What If Spongebob Squarepants Went To The Solar System?

Comenzar desde el principio

Chapter 2 Talking Planets

Patrick leaves the ship with a spacesuit on,and goes to Mars,and gobbles up alittle of Mars

Patrick:this orange tastes weird,and i like it

Sandy:i said thats Mars not no orange


Sandy had to go down to go get Patrick that hacked into Mars atmosphere somehow, someway

Patrick:Spongebob look It's an talking orange

Spongebob:Hes right it is talking!

Mars:hey Earth one of your um creatures is eating my surface

Earth:Oh its probably just a ummm idk asteroid

Mars:ya sure about that?

Patrick:Hey HE-

Gets cut off by Sandy 

Sandy:shush they could be dangerous

Patrick:but it's only just a talking orange,and a talking globe

Sandy:well i'll go out and see stay here!

Spongebob and Patrick:okay!

Sandy:Ahem Earth and Mars

Mars:is this one of your creatures

Earth:well i guess you can say that

Sandy:i ain't no creature i'm Sandy Sandy Cheeks

Mars:well hello Sandy Cheeks 

Earth:hi i'll show you the other planets

Sandy:yeah i know Mercury,Venus,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune

Earth:then i'll just show you our earthling friend

Sandy:hmmm ok

As Earth shows Sandy their earthling friend

Plankton:i'm bored i'm ready to do some diabolical stuff

Spongebob:instead of being evil why don't you forget about it


Sandy comes back in it's safe,but i did need to do one thing in space explore for a little while i need to do some work Sandy says


Patrick:what did you say again

Squidward: :(

Mr.Krabs:one question is there money in space

Plankton:of course not

Chapter 3 Exploring Chaos

Mr.Krabs:come get a Krabby Patty for only 15 dollars!

Venus: a Krabby what now?

Mr.Krabs:you never heard of a Krabby Patty?! 

Venus:no what is it?

Mr.Krabs:its an mouthwatering taste sensation on an bun

Venus:may i try this earthling food

Mr.Krabs:yeah only for 15 dollars

Venus:listen i don't know your earthling stuff so well

STOP!lets see what Plankton is doing

Plankton:mwahaha feel the burn of my laser 

Sun solar flares Plankton

Plankton: x-x

Lets see what Gary is doing


Spongebob:cmon Gary lets go


Spongbob:of course it's not dangerous out there Gary!


Spongbob:i know Plankton got hurt,but that doeson't mean tha-

Sandy:lets all go quickly before something bad happens

Venus:gimme that

Venus:this earthling food doesn't taste good(lying)

Mr.Krabs:are you sure nobody ever said they hated a Krabby Patty 

Venus:yes i'm sure

Sandy:lets go quick

Sandy:wheres Patrick

Spongebob:oh he said he was going to go eat an talking ice cream

Sandy thought it must be Uranus or Neptune

Sandy:lets go 

Sandy goes to Uranus first


Uranus:um who are you

Sandy:i'm Sandy Cheeks anyways,have you seen a pink star

Uranus:i was busy doing something so idk


Uranus:but i did see a pink tiny thing go towards the asteroid belt


Sandy:lets go we're about to go the asteroid belt

Jupiter:I suggest you don't go into the ast-

Sandy:are friend is in there we have no choice but to go 

Jupiter:ok suit yourself,but watch out for Ceres

Chapter 4 Into The Asteroid Belt We Go

Sandy:no Patrick so far

Spongebob:well were could he be in this asteroid belt

Squidward i hope he's stuck here forever

As Squidward laughs Ceres sees the ship,and continues to follow them

Patrick:oh hey gu-

then gets cut off by what seems to be an laughter of some sorts

Sandy:what is that laughter

Spongebob feels shivers down his spine

Spongebob:i have a bad feeling about this Sandy

Sandy:it's ok Spongebob everythings going to be alright

Then they hit a bump

Sandy:oh it's just an asteroid

Patrick:i got a free ice cream

Sandy:thats Deimos

Patrick:oh well i never heard of a Deimos flavored ice cream

Sandy:Deimos ain't ice cream put Deimos down and go

Patrick:ok fine but this better not be a evil plan again

Sandy:are you thinking about that tiny little varmint 

Patrick:i think so

They still hear the laughters of Ceres

Sandy:lets go go go!

They take off out of the asteroid belt and to the Earth

Sandy:hang on tight!

Chapter 5(final chapter) Back Home

2 sec later

Sandy we're almost home just need to go underwater 

Sandy:well now we're home

Squidward:oh i missed being in bikini bottom 

And everybody did their normal things they'd usually do 

The End

This literally took 870+ words so hope you enjoyed this story of What If Spongebob Squarepants Went To The Solar System

Lord this is long

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