I just want to spend more time with you that's all

Her words are playing again and again. She just wanted to be with you but you weren't with her. It's your fault. You didn't take care of her

Tears start rolling down your face when Sadie comes down

"Y/n?? What happened?" She asks as she runs to you

You tell her everything with a shaking and cracking voice. More tears fall down as your girlfriend pulls you into a hug

"I am sorry Y/n" she says

You don't know why but you are getting angry at yourself but mostly at Sadie

"It's not your fault" she continues

But it is your fault

"I know this is not easy" she says

No, she doesn't

"What?!" You say and pull out of her arms

"How can you know it?!" You shout at her

You don't want to yell at her but you can't stop

"You have your loving family but i don't!! She was the only person i had but now i have nothing!!" You continue yelling at her

You can see her sorry eyes but it's still hard to stop. More tears are in your eyes and your emotions are slowly taking control

"They are gone Sadie. All of them!" You say as you break down

"Y/n..i didn't mean it like that" Sadie tries to calm you down

"Well..how did you mean it?! Huh?! You will never understand me. You have your perfect life but i don't!! It's your fucking fault that she is dead. I blocked her because of you!" You shout

You immediately regret it but you can't take it back. Something is stopping you from apologizing. You just turn around and storm out of the house leaving Sadie in tears

You don't know where you are going but by that, you are ready with everything you have your keys in your pocket so you get in the car and drive off


You are driving through the town for a good hour. You are not thinking about anything. Your head goes off when you sit into the car

You don't know what to do. You are basically just driving in the circles like an idiot. After a while, you reach the sign which is signalling the end of the city

You see a familiar road on the right. You turn right and after a few metres of ride you remember this place

The road leads up the hill and from the top is a beautiful view down on the city. You were there with Sadie on your first date

While you are remembering you reach the top and stop the car

You remember that day like it was yesterday. You told Sadie that it's a secret. She didn't know what to expect. And right here in this car at this place, you had your first kiss

Suddenly all memories of you two together fill your head. You have an amazing relationship with her. She is the most important thing in your life

Yeah of course it hurts that you lost your entire family but you didn't lose everything. You didn't lose her

She is still here with you and she wants to be here and you do too. You want to make her happy. You want to feel her close every single night. You want her in your life

If you lose her then you will be able to say that you lost everything, because she is your everything

It hurts that you know you won't be able to hear or see your sister ever again but you can't change it. But what also hurts is the thought that you won't be able to hear, see or feel Sadie ever again. And this fact you can change. You can choose if you will be together or not

You can't change your past but you can change your future


It's 2:37 in the morning and you just parked your car in front of your house. You open the door to the house and see tired and exhausted Sadie leaning against the wall next to the door

She was waiting for you all day but she fell asleep. You soften at the sight on her sleeping

You gently take her into your arms and go to the bedroom. As she is asleep she lays her head on your chest

When you are in the room you lay her carefully down and put a blanket over her. She moves a little to get into a comfortable position and continues in her sleep

You smile at her and quietly walk out of the room and close the door. You go slowly downstairs and sit on the couch in the living room

You take your phone and scroll through your gallery


It's already 9 am and you hear steps on the stairs. You get up and go to the stairs. When Sadie sees you she looks shocked and happy at the same time

"Y/n?...How did you–?" She puts a sentence together still really tired

You just smile at her and pull her into a hug. Her body is intense, you can feel it

"I am sorry Sadie...I love you" you whisper into her ear

This time she completely relaxes, she wraps her arms around you and buries her head into your shoulder

After a few seconds, you can feel a wet spot on your shoulder. You pull out and take her face into your hands. You wipe her tears away and look deeply into her eyes

"I am sorry Sadie, i didn't mean the things i said. It's not your fault. I love you and i want you in my life and that won't change" you say

Her eyes water up even more with this. You kiss her forehead softly and pull her into another hug

Request from KaylaFierro3

I hope y'all liked it. And again i hope that it's not that bad

Have a good day/night

Images | Sadie Sink X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now