Flirtation and Cuddles (Nobara x Reader)

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I was excited to do her because I love her so much.


Warnings: nothing


I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body. I walk out of the bathroom to see Nobara on my bed. "Heyy..." she says staring at me. "What are you doing here?..." I ask awkwardly smiling.

"I'm bored," she says looking up from her phone. "ok... I'll get dressed, and then we can figure out what to do," I say retreating back to the bathroom.

-Like a minute later idek.-

"Ok, What do you want to do?" I say walking out of the bathroom. "I kinda just want to go to the park," she jumps off my bed and smooths her clothing out. "That sounds great," I say leading her out my room

While we are walking to the park she grabs onto my arm and rests her head on my shoulder. (just assume in this story you are taller than her.) I feel my face get hot and look away from her.

"what's wrong?" she says looking up at me. "nothing," I try to hold my composure and slow down my breathing.

She holds on tighter and I notice she has goosebumps on her arm. "You alright?" I ask "Yeah, just a little cold," she smiles up at me. "you... um, want my jacket?" I can hear my voice go squeaky at the end and internally cringe.

She lets go of my arm and walks a few paces in front of me. "I'm fine!" she says hugging her arms around her chest. "just take it," I say holding my jacket out. She runs toward me grabbing my jacking. "Thank you SO much," she puts it on; smiling super big.

she goes back to holding my arm and we go to sit down by a little stream. We lay down and look up at the clouds pointing out funny shapes. 

She grabs my hand and I look over at her smiling "What?" she asks, "Nothing!" I say quickly, shaking my head. We then settle back into the comfortable silence 

After a while, we leave the park and head home. I walk Nobara to her room "I had fun today," she says standing in her doorway. "me too," I turn to walk away but Nobara grabs my wrist. "wait!" she fidgets with her fingers "Um goodnight," "goodnight," I smile at her then walk away towards my room. 

I laid down on my bed and screamed into my pillow. I roll over and looked at the ceiling overthinking everything we said. My eyes started to feel heavy and I roll over falling into a light sleep.  I wake up to a knocking on my door. "who the hell?" I whisper to myself. I get out of bed and open the door. "hey... I'm sorry I couldn't sleep," Once I see who it was all the anger melted out of my body.

"no no, come in!" I move out of the way, and Nobara walks over to my bed sitting down cross-legged. I sit down across from her pulling one of my stuffed animals to my chest. "what's wrong?" I ask, looking at her sends butterflies throughout my body. "nothing," she tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. "Why couldn't you sleep?" I ask trying to fill the silence. "oh I don't know I guess I was just thinking too much," she fidgets with her fingers unable to look me in the eye. 

"About what?" I ask finally getting her to look me in the eye. "oh nothing important," she smiles at me then falls back into my pillows. I follow her actions and lay down turning to look at her. "I had fun today," she says. "me too" I reply, "goodnight" she hums an answer and closes her eyes.

I woke up before she did and stare at the ceiling. I was laying on my back with her head on my chest. My alarm clock goes off and I try to quickly turn it off without waking her up. I run my hands through her hair. She softly snores and I smile to myself. wishing we could stay like this forever, but alas she wakes up, moving off of me and stretching. "how'd you sleep" I smile at her.  "amazing" she says. 

The sunlight from my window shines on her face and her eyes show different shades of brown her lips are a beautiful shade of pink. "your eyes are beautiful," I say lost in a trance of her beauty. 

"oh... thank you," she says looking away from me blushing. I notice the blush on her face and let my delusions run wild. "y/n?" she asks still not looking at me. "yes?" she looks up at me for a second before looking back at my mattress. "I really liked hanging out with you yesterday, and I uh wondered if you would like to do something like that again?" she looks at me her eyes full of fear and hope. 

"I would love to," 

again I am so sorry for not posting I fell victim to the fanfic writer curse and a lot of things have happened. I loved writing about Nobara.

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