What's a crush?...(Mahito x Reader)

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Warnings: Fluffish

I'm sorry for not posing for a while I was in austin with my family and didn't have any internet. I also didn't have any inspiration so this one will probably be short. Also Italics mean thoughts.


A bit of backstory is y/n works with the police as a homicide detective and Mahito likes listening to their stories because of the hatred behind most of them.


"y/nnnn!" Mahito yelled as he ran to me. "Hi Mahito." I say as I walk to work. "How was the last case?" He says as he clings onto me.

"It was alright." I say trying to get to work on time. "Tell me about it!" He says walking faster to try to keep up with me. "Well this girl Mary johnson had a crush on a guy named james smith and ended up killing her best friend because she thought that she had a crush on him."

"What's a crush?" He asks stopping in his tracks. "What?" I ask stopping to look at him. "What's a crush?" he says again taking a few steps to catch up to me. "Umm.. It's like when you really like someone and want to get closer with them romantically. Like when you are with them you get a feeling in your stomach and don't want to mess anything up." I say as I start walking again.

"Oh.." he says looking down at his stomach. "Well I have to go." I say as I reach the station "Bye!" he says going back to his regular self. "I'll see you later!"

-Mahito's POV-

I have to talk to y/n about crushes again. When they got off work I will bring them here.

- Y/n's POV-

I had a slow work today because I got stuck doing paperwork while my coworkers were out on the field. As soon as the clock hit 6 I got up to go home putting on my coat. I clocked out saying bye to the other people stuck with paperwork.

As soon as I got outside I was greeted with Mahito's multi colored eyes in my face. "Hi Y/n!" He says taking my hand in his. "Hi Mahito..." I say hanging my head as I feel my face heat up. "Do you have any stories today?" He asks excitedly "No sorry"

"Awwww" He says reminding me of a child. We get to his "Home" if you could even call it that. He pulled me onto his hammock. He pulled me into him and started petting my head.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" he asked me excitedly. "Yeah..." I say burying my head in his chest. "What's their name?" He said sounding a bit upset. "I'm not going to tell you." I said turning away from him as much as I could.

"But your mine!" He said whining and pulling me back to him somehow holding me tighter than before. "I need you you're mine!" He squeezed me even harder. "The person I like is... you..." i say almost immediately regretting it.

-Mahito's POV-

"The person I like is... you..." My heart pounds in my chest. I look onto them. Is this what a crush feels like? It feels like time slows down and my heart pounds in my chest. It feels like when I was fighting Sukuna.

"I also think I have a crush on you." I say holding them.

-Y/n's POV-

"I also have a crush on you." I sit up and look at him surprised. He pulls me into him and kisses my forehead. My phone starts ringing and I reach into my pocket but it's not there. "Mahito where my phone?" I ask trying to pull out of his grasp. "Down there" He says. I can hear the smile in his voice.

"I need it Mahito!" I said "It might be my work!" I finally got out of his grasp and jumped down to get my phone.

"Detective l/n we need you to come to a crime scene 2 bodys have been found." the monotone voice of my boss fills the room. "Yes ma'am i'll be there as soon as possible." i replied hanging up and grabbing my bag.

As I get myself situated I feel hands wrap around my waist. "please don't go y/n" He whines in my ear. He kisses my neck and holds onto me. "I have to." I say pulling away and looking at him in his eyes.

"I'll have a new story to tell you when i get back." I see the word processing in his brain and he slowly lets go of my hands and slightly pushes me out of his "home". "I'll see you in a bit!" i say walking away. "Love you y/n!" he says

I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and say it back stuttering through it.


This one was slightly longer than last even though i said it was going to be shorter than the others. I'm lazy so ignore it.

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