Someone familiar.

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"All might said you could help me with my future vision today." Shinso said, walking into Purple Diamonds room.
"Did he now?" He replied as Shinso sat down next to him.
"He said you had experience with Sapphires before, besides, I like it when we hang out." Said Shinso.
"Is that so... well then I suppose I could take time to help you." Aizawa said.
Shinso sat up.
"What do I do first?" He asked.
"Focus... clear your mind... and think of reading the future of one person." Aizawa instructed.
Shinso nodded, and shut his eyes.
"I-I think it's working!"
"Good. Keep concentrating"

Aizawa watched him concentrate, he looked so determined. Reminded him of someone else.

"No!" He thought, "Don't think of him... he was shattered... you couldn't save him from White Diamonds wrath..."
"What do you see?" He asked Shinso.
"Denki... he's about to walk into a rake... he'll be pulled aside by Mina at the last second." Shinso said
"Good... anything else?"
"Uh... you... your... um... your crying."
Aizawa froze.
"W-why?" He asked.
"I don't know but, it looks like theirs a sapphire in front of you... but... their shattered."
Shinso then looked up at him.
"They'll be more fighting, but this is way far off..."
"Leave please." Aizawa whispered.
"W-what! Why?" Shinso asked.
"Just... go tell Yellow what you've seen..."
"Did I do something wrong?!"
"You did nothing wrong, in fact, you did amazing today, I'm looking forward to our next chat... but I need to be alone right now."
Shinso nodded, he then walked out.

"Not again... please not again..." Aizawa whispered.

He was holding the shattered remains of his friend in his hands. Tears were rolling down his cheeks.
"This what happens when lower gems get to attached to us Purple. Always trying to defend their diamonds from getting hurt." White said.
"So you'd rather they not follow us." Aizawa spat.
"No... I'd rather they listen to their diamonds instead of trying to act all heroic... but I guess is your fault for spoiling him Purple."
"He was trying to protect me! If that's not a heroic gem I don't know what is!"
"Please, he was only friends with you because you wanted him to be. Gems fear us Purple, the don't want to be our friends, all they were made for us to serve." White said.
"Your wrong!" Aizawa yelled.
"You say that... but do you even believe it?"
White smirked, and walked away.

Aizawa looked at the broken sapphire shards in his hands.
"I'm so sorry Oboro..." he whispered, "I'm so so sorry..."

Now it was going to happen again... he would lose another dear sapphire to him.
"I will change this future..." he vowed, "someway, somehow, I will change it."

I hope this turned out good! Hope you enjoyed.

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