The sun went down an hour ago and I still can't find Austins set up.

"I'm sorry Austin .." I looked up at the night sky. "My feet hurt ..." I spoke exhaustedly.

Numerous of people continued walking the concrete floor. Others running because the main event is about to start soon.

"No, no, no, no, Bea ..." I hear him wine through the phone as I get up. My black flats hurting my feet but I start walking anyways.

"Follow the crowd .." He spoke through the phone as I did what he said.

"I'm about to perform .." I hear him sigh. I began to follow the crowd to the main performance.

"I'll see you ..." I said and I hung up. I start running with the people and finally reached the main performance.

After running for 20 minutes I finally get to the main stage. Billions of people standing and waiting in front of it as if it was a concert.

They're all cheering to start the show as I look around lost and confused.

Out of everything, I finally see the lemonade stand Austin was talking about.

I push through the crowd and finally made it to the lemonade stand. With the heat and the countless number of people I decide to buy a cup full of fresh lemonade.

The cool breeze in the air and fresh lemon going down my exhausted throat. I stand there listening to band whose singing there music on the stage.

The crowd cheering with joy and sang along to the music.

Within seconds of listening to the band Alex Constancio, my friend, came and found me. Alex is also Austins friend.

I've known Alex as long as I've known Austin. We hugged and I asked him where Austin is.

"He's performing soon." Alex spoke while handling his lemonade he just bought.

I sat on the grass on the hill, listening to the music as the crowd of people put their lighters up in the sky.

"Where is he performing?" I questioned with anticipation. Looking around for another stage. A stage that's smaller than the main stage.

I've never seen Austin perform in a stage that big before so he's gotta be performing close to here.

Alex looked at me with surprised expression which made me question myself.

"You don't know?" He said with a smile on his face. The night overcame us as the stars glowed above.

"Know what?" I asked with a smile and suddenly hear the crowd start cheering Austins name.

With confusion I stood up with my lemonade and look at the main stage. Austin stood there with his clothes I last saw him in.

Musicians behind him and mic up to his mouth.

"Hey guys ..." Austin said nervously with a smile as the crowd sudden began to scream and cheer. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Austin on the main stage with the crowd screaming his name. They love him and I know because whenever he speaks they all scream and yell. I couldn't help but to tear a little.

After attending all those late karaoke nights and other gigs where Austin sang, all lead up to this moment.

Watching him stand up there with confidence and with a positive attitude I began to cry.

Especially with what happened to him a few days ago, I bawl because I'm so proud of him.

"All those gigs ..." Alex stood beside me and put his arm around me.

"And look what he's achieved." He spoke as I hugged him and watch Austin introduce him while everyone cheered him on.

He hugged me tight as we both watch Austin grow right before our eyes.

I watch as he stands close to the mic stand and tells the crowd that he's going to sing an original song.

The crowd cheers as the music begins to play. He then takes his signature red guitar and begins playing.

"I build my walls up high .." He begins singing and I stand there watching him fulfill his dream.

"But now they're falling and you're the reason why .." His sweet and angelic voice comes out the speakers and fill the festival. Lighters in the air swaying back and forth.

At this moment I finally realize that Austin is going to be a star. He's going to be big in the years to come. As I watch him, tears fall from my eyes.

Knowing that Austin is happy, I'm happy. I can't wait for the future to come and watch him pursue his dream to be a singer.

Ndpwhdiowdsmams s soooooo I actually cried while writing because I realize how far austin has come .. And I'm just proud of him jdoednsodks aahhhh ... I'm sad but happy :)

You guys should follow me on Twitter which is @Mahomies_Dream :) its the same username as this account hahahaa but yeaa follow me if you want :)

Vote and I'll make chapter 6 .. Joemdsksksw yeeeee I honestly love this fanfic :) yassssss but if this chapter gets 5 votes, I'll make chapter 6 :)

Don't forget to follow me on this account too :) hahahaaa okay i love you guys :) thank you so much for reading this chapter :)

Love yas


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