Chapter 7 - Terror

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"That's me" she says as she puts on the seatbelt.

"Perfect" the officer says, before the car begins to drive off.

It takes a couple of minutes, but Alex eventually notices the two males in the back of the car with their hands cuffed behind their back. "Wow, I didn't know you started without me" she jokes, and the officer snickers.

"Yeah. sorry. I had to pick these two up" he simply says.
"That's alright. I was hoping for a more laid back day anyway" Alex admits.

"So, SRU huh?" the officer asks.

"Yup" Alex answers.

"You're the one who's dating Spike, right?" he then questions Alex nods slowly.

"You know Spike?" Alex asks curiously.

"Yeah. I was his training officer" the officer explains. Alex then leans forward and looks at his badge on his shirt.

"You're Oliver MacCoy," Alex smiles.

"That, I am" he says.

"Yeah, I know who you are. Spike rode with me the first two years out of the Academy. He really looks up to you" Alex explains.

"He shouldn't" Oliver then whispers quietly. Too quiet for Alex to even hear.

"We screwed up, man. Big," Alex then hears one of the guys in the back say, but she ignores it like they're trained to do.

"Jay, would you chill?" the other male in the back says.

"You said it was gonna be a couple packages, not ten keys! Ten keys, man. That's serious" the young male named Jeremy explains in a panicked tone.

"It's gonna be alright" Jay assures.

"No, man. It's not" Jeremy whispers, looking back out the window.

"I don't wanna do ten years, man" he then says.

"Yo, officer, you missed the exit to lock-up" Jay states and Alex looks out the window, and he was right. They did miss the exit. She then looks towards Oliver and notices him looking emotionless out the front window.

"You're not going back to lock-up" he says, bluntly.

"Oliver?" Alex questions confused.

"Why not?" Jay questions.

"Hey, I said why not? Where are we going?" Jeremy then asks again, leaning closer towards the cage that blocked them from the two front seats.

"Your uncle Paul has arranged for you to go away. You're getting out of the country" Oliver explains and Alex's eyes go wide with shock.

"No, Oliver. That's not our job. We have to turn around!" she says loudly, but is completely ignored.

"What? Hey, no way, man" Jeremy says, begining to panic.

"Hey! No way, man!" he screams as he starts to lift his legs up to kick the cage.

"Hey! Turn us back around!" he screams.

"Hey, hey! Just sit back and shut it!" Oliver screams, turning around and looking towards the two in the back.

Suddenly a loud horn is heard and Alex looks back out the driver's window and notices the bus that was coming straight towards them. "Oliver, look out!" she screams loudly, trying to grab the wheel. Then everything goes black.


"Team One, hot call. Shots fired at the scene of a car accident that involved a Nationcrest bus and squad car" Winnie's voice says through the headset, as the team dives down the busy streets of downtown. They all then turn on the lights and sirens before stepping on the gas pedal.

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