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I was requested to update, and here it is. :) I gotta write notes on this story so I don't forget where I'm going for this LMAO

She hates me. Denki starred at her, the girl he met while he was acting like a complete ass, at his most desperate attempt to meet his soulmate. Now, he didn't think he could even speak to her again. Maybe he could wait a few months and try again? No. her best friend is soulmates with Hitoshi. She's never going to forget that. What if she rejects him? All because of their first impression? There's been many stories of people rejecting their soulmates because of stupid things, such as being poor, too dark, too short. Even if you are meant to be, people will go separate ways if they don't meet the standards. 

Did I just ruin my chance? 

Y/N jumped suddenly, picking up the cat that laid beside her in the chair, holding it to block her face. Kamanari panicked, not knowing what to do, he shoved his face down into the table and subsequentially, smashed his face into his food. He could hear shoes scraping against the wood, making a sudden stop right before him. I have never wanted to die so badly in my life. He thought, not even picking his head up from the plate. He could already feel everyone's eyes on him. I should've stayed in bed today. I should've just waited like Hitoshi said, but now it's too late and Y/N will reject me. 

"K-Kamanari?" He heard Hitoshi's voice, he sounded embarrassed, and worried all at the same time. 

"Ah! You caught me!" He spoke, wiping his eyes to try and look at him, but the icing on the cake only got into his eyes. "I'm going to go clean my face. Don't wait up on me." He laughed, trying his best to hide his embarrassment, as well as his downfall into a depression he's never felt before. 

That was, until he heard a giggle, then felt a scratchy tongue licking his cheek. Kamanari tried his best to look at Y/N, but with his eyes burning it was impossible. The sound of her laugh made his heartbeat faster, it felt like an explosion in his chest. 

"Kamanari, go to the bathroom you idiot. You're going to end up in the hospital."

"Uuhh," he stuttered out, clearing his throat he spoke again, "It's kind of hard when you can't see." He heard an annoyed groan before he felt Hitoshi's hands hook under his arms to pull him to his feet. 

"I'm so sorry Aki." Kamanari, "I am so sorry I am taking your lover boy back, the distance between us was unfathomable, I felt like I coul-"

"Shut up you idiot." Hitoshi smacked him across the head, walking faster to the bathroom. 

Hitoshi locked the door as soon as he heard the click. "What is wrong with you?!" Hitoshi whisper-yelled, "This was my first date and you do this?!" 

Kamanari was washing off his face as Hitoshi continued to speak, "I'm so glad I warned her you might show up. Next time I'm using the binding cloth." he threatened. 

Kamanari shot up, flinging water everywhere. "In my defense, I did not come for you. You just to happen to be here at the same time as my soulmate." Hitoshi starred at him; he was at disbelief at was so mad at Kamanari that he didn't even know what to say. 

"Embarrasing you was a complete accident, I swear. But look!" He lifted up his hand, showing the writing. "That girl, Y/N, wrote it. I only came here to try and find her, but she was spying on you guys. I was trying to spy on her."

"Kamanari, I don't even know what to say." Hitoshi paused, "Did you tell her?"

"No, I made a complete ass of myself before I even knew it was her." "You complained about the prices and made an ass out of yourself, huh?" 

The blond looked in the mirror, seeing some icing still on his face, "Then shoved a cake in my face." Hitoshi patted his back,

"I think you'll be fine, she's just as annoying as you are from what Aki said." Kamanari glared at him, wetting the paper towel and wiping the remainder of the icing off. 

The boys exited the restroom, they couldn't find the pair upstairs, so they decided to go down.  On the last step, they could hear Aki lecturing Y/N. She was defending herself, or at least attempting to. 

"Are you going to tell her?" Hitoshi asked.

"After everything that happened today? Hell no. She would reject me so hard." he whispered, "I got to try to redeem myself." 

"Aki!" Hitoshi spoke up, ending the conversation with Kamanari completely. "Should we go back upstairs?" Aki turned around, smiling at Hitoshi, "Yes, I would love that."

Aki turned to Y/N, giving her a stern look, "If I have to use my quirk to get you away from here, you won't like where you end up." she threatened, as if she was Y/N's mom. 

"Yeah, what she said." Hitoshi added, nudging Kamanari who stumbled closer to Y/N. 

"Whatever." Y/N joked, turning to the exit door, she froze. They were so distracted, nobody noticed it was pouring outside. Y/N turned back towards Aki who was already going up the stairs with Hitoshi. She was looking at him as if she could see the stars on the darkest night. Y/N felt a heaviness in her chest, she was jealous yet so happy for her best friend. Just a few more months. She turned back to the door, about to leave when she felt her shirt being tugged lightly. 

Turning her head, she noticed Kamanari holding out his jacket, letting go of her shirt. "Sorry, but here."

"Oh, you don't have to." 

"I'm passing it on," Y/N gave him a confused look, side stepping away from him. "Remember you helped me earlier? I'm using this to pass it on."

"Oh, thank you." Y/N trailed off, taking the hoodie from him she pulled it over her head. "But what if you get sick? Will you be ok?" 

"Don't worry about me! I'll go to the nurse at UA and have her fix me." 

Y/N's jaw dropped, "You're enrolled at UA too?! H-How?!" 

Kamanari was starstruck, looking at her in his hoodie. His soulmate in his hoodie. He has to zap himself just to even speak, "Well, I barely made it academically, but I mastered my quirk in high school, plus I got some good recommendations from my internships."

"That's amazing. I wish I could use my quirk, but it's too draining. I use it once and I'm out for weeks." Kamanari was about to speak up when Y/N's phone rang, pulling her away from the conversation. 

"Oh, my mom's calling me... I'll see you later, I guess? I mean probably, our best friends are soulmates." She swiped the screen of her phone, putting it up to her ear, "Hold on mom-- Sorry for being rude earlier, hopefully next time we meet it won't be so... tense." she stated, recalling how bitchy she was earlier.  She was never that way, and she felt a little embarrassed for it, but you can't change the past. Only the future. 

Y/N ran out of the store, phone pressed to her ear as she did. 

Kamanari watched her, his eyes glancing down at his hand, watching the words disappear from his hand the longer she was gone. 

Shes so pretty. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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