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Note; Aki goes by they/them pronouns, if I mess up PLEASE POLITELY correct me. I know it's MY story but I do get so engrossed into writing that I WILL mess up out of rushing to get my ideas written out. Also I WILL cry so please be nice.

ALSO! UA is a COLLEGE in this FIC :)

You rolled over, propping your chin on the palms of your hands as you looked down at your best friend, the side of their face smushed into their pillow as a puddle of drool formed on the fabric. Aki was eighteen today, and you both agreed to be with each other the day they could communicate with their soulmate. But you've been up for an hour, waiting on them to wake up. You started to get anxious,

"Akiiii," you drug their name out, "Aaakkkiiii wake up, you're eighteen!" You whisper-shouted, poking their cheek a bit harshly.

"Aki, I've been up for an hour. PLEASE."

"So you've been up for an hour and didn't brush your teeth?" Aki's eyes didn't open, but their eyebrows were furrowed to show their annoyance.

"Oh shut up— what about your soulmate?!" Your pressed your hands to Aki's arm, pushing them back and forth. Aki opened their eyes, then your body froze in mid push. This bitch. Aki is able to control people by looking at them, Aki didn't need to say a verbal command for their quirk to work which was a blessing and a curse all at the same time.

Aki scooted over, before sitting up fully. They were silent the whole time, which was typical first thing in the morning before they let out a giggle.

Your excitement was overflowing, you would usually be jumping up and down but with Aki's quirk still having you in a tight hold, their was no way you could move. Your eyes started to burn, unable to even blink while Aki sat there, giggling to their self.

Aki looked over at you, blinked and then you were free. Your hands going up to your eyes to rub them, you let out a whine as you fell back onto the bed.

"Guess what?" Aki announced, ignoring your suffering that was only a few inches away from them. You removed your hands, looking over at them,


"He has an annoying best friend too."

You ignored Aki's comment, they were always grumpy in the mornings and wrapped them in a tight hug, letting out a squeal. "Did you ask where they live? when are you two going to meet? What's their name?" You bombarded them with questions.

"Y/N, please, let me wake up."

The subways doors opened, following behind Aki you sat down at the first available seats. You leaned on their shoulder, looking at their phone. Aki was currently looking up the username shinso.h on Instagram, and following it without any hesitation. You looked at their bio, seeing they had the he/him and the name Hitoshi in their bio. That was it. There was only three posts. It was all photo dumps, random pictures he took of his body, showing off his features, the books he was reading, his cat, random spots around the city he lives in.

"Hey, I think he lives in Tokyo,"

"Oh, yeah he does, he goes to UA." Your jaw dropped, UA was the best university in Japan. Their qualifications to get in takes years and they start tracking you as soon as you get into high school.

"Why haven't you told me these things? I want to know too!"

Aki continued to look over the pictures multiple times, "oh he's a first year in college, his name his Hitoshi Shinsou, and he could hear my thoughts since July. Oh, our quirks are pretty similar but he has to speak and I don't."

"Your kids are going to be terrifying."

"Good, maybe you won't be so crazy." You two made eye contact for a few minutes, no reaction on either of your faces before you both started laughing. You two were complete opposites, Aki hated human touch, very introverted and would rather stay in their bed all day while you were almost the complete opposite, you two enjoyed staying in your room, but you would rather have someone with you the whole time. You would fine minor projects to keep yourself busy, while Aki would watch T.V or just read.

"When are you going to meet him? Can I come? Oh wait no, I can get Cami and we can go undercover to make sure you're safe. He could be a psycho for all we know,"

"Absolutely not. You're going to traumatize him." Aki let out another giggle after a few seconds, leaning back into the seat as they listened to whatever Hitoshi had to say.

You rolled your eyes, blowing at Aki's bangs so it fell to cover their eyes. Aki could tell you were jealous, whether you realized it or not Aki had no clue. But what Aki did know was that you had a whole month before you could even find out who your soulmate was; and it was going to be a long month for the both of you.

Okay, so yes this is short. I know, I'm sorry. But I have big plans for this, big big plans for this so just hang on :)

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