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I'm so used to writing angst/horror that writing a book like this is a real CHALLENGE so bear with me, I suck at cute romance stuff. :(

Aki ignored your phone call for the fifth time. It was infuriating you, making you pace back and forth. All you wanted to do was spy on them, make sure this so-called Hitoshi wasn't a jerk. But Aki wasn't having any of it. You tried tricking the location of the date out of them, but it resulted in you sitting in time out for three hours. Aki forgot about you while talking to Hitoshi. He had to be using his quirk on them, cause the longest Aki ever left you in time out was an hour and a half, because they forgot.

You unlocked your phone, your eyes locking on the Snapchat icon. Opening the app, you swiped over to see if they went ghost mode or not. No they did not. You smirked as you clicked on the bitmoji, seeing them pop up at the cat café MOCHA.

"Of course, you went there." You rolled your eyes as you got on your skateboard. "Always a sucker for pussy."

Slipping on the hoodie, you pulled the strings tight, tying it in a bow. You knew if Aki seen you peering around the windows they would spot you, so you decided to go inside and order instead. If you act like you're there for a good time, nobody will suspect a thing. right?  Walking in, you couldn't find them anywhere. Suspecting they were on the second floor, you walked up to the counter. 

"What do you mean it's $20 an hour?! and it doesn't come with food or drinks?!" Looking up, you see a boy with yellow hair, a black stripe in the shape of a lightning bolt going through it. He wore light blue pants with a hoodie as well. "Okay, what if I didn't interact with the cats?"

"Then you would have to stay down-"

"But my best friend is having his date UPstairs!" Wait.. is he?

"Sir, if you go upstairs the cats are bound to come over to you and then we lose money for their food, vaccines, and overall vet visits."

You stepped up to the counter, the other cashier smiled at you and asked for your order. "Uh, I've never been. So how does this work?" You were handed a paper, that had the pricing for the playdate with the cats, food and drinks. You tried to concentrate, only being able to read over the cat prices when the boy started dramatically crying, causing you to look over in disgust. He has to be a spoiled brathow annoying. The longer you looked the more you realized it was just a pathetic whine, no tears, just being flat out annoying. 

"Have you ever worried that your best friend was going to die alone, even in this soulmate society? Cause I have, and I need to make sure he aces this date with his soulmate."  The longer he stood there, the more he came to the realization that the girl wasn't budging. He let out a sigh, hanging his head in defeat. "Hitoshi, I'm so sorry I failed you." he said dramatically, turning on his heels. 

Hitoshi?  "Actually, can I do the $40 deal?" You turned your head to the yellow haired male, "You better not be this annoying the whole time." His eyes went wide, running back up to hug you. He jumped up and down, repeating 'thank you' over and over again. 

"Hey, you're getting really hot-" he stated, dropping you back to your feet. 

"That's because you touched me without consent." you glared at him, "So you're annoying AND don't have any boundaries." You turned back to the counter, taking your card out to pay for the order. You tell her what you want to drink and a snack, then turn towards the yellow haired boy whose face was red from embarrassment. He quietly tells her his order, keeping his head down the whole time.  You paid, thanking the cashiers before walking towards the stairs. 

"I-uh, I'm sorry about that. I sometimes get too excited and forget that some people are strangers." you hummed in response, "Thank you for letting me join you, if you give me your cashapp I'll pay you back on Monday."

"Just pass it forward," you replied, "If you see someone else struggling, help them." 

"You're a pretty cool per-"

You shushed him, getting to the top of the stairs you seen the back of Aki's head, their hair was in braids halfway back their head, different shades of purple mixed in the curls from behind. It looks so amazing against their dark skin tone. You had to hold back a scream, so excited to see them on their first ever date. 

Going to the nearest table, you sat so you faced the date. There was a cat on the table, sprawled out on the table. Kaminari sat in front of you, still being quiet. "So is your friend Aki?" He asked quietly, turning his head to look at the two out of his peripheral. 

"Yes, did I make it that obvious?" you asked, looking away from them. 

"Well, you haven't looked away from them since then." 

"I'm just so excited for them, and I'm not 18 yet so I'm living through Aki until the end of the year." The food and drinks were brought to the table, a big grin made its way on your face as you reached for your coffee. You didn't even notice the boys' eyes go big, looking at your hand that had Cat Cafe MOCHA written on it. "Oh, what's your name by the way?" you asked, 

"Denki Kaminari, you?"

"Y/N L/N." 

He nodded in response, grabbing the fork. "Y'know, the cat here looks so cute that I don't even want to eat it." he joked, "But I am definitely going to so I don't waste your money-" he added, you could tell he was joking, but also serious at the same time. You smiled at him. His face went to a light pink color, he took a bite of the cake to try and take his mind off of the butterflies he had in his stomach, but it was a horrible failure. 

Denki was thankful that you were so focused on their friend's date. This saved him from the embarrassment. He couldn't even focus on his best friend anymore; he could only go back and forth from your hand to his. Cause in reality, he came here because his soulmate wrote it down on her hand, and it showed up on his. 

And he made the worst first impression.  

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