The two of you become friends.

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                                                                 ~Yusuke's POV~

I've been noticing plenty of things about Y/N.  I wouldn't go follow someone around, but this is an exception. 

For the past few days, I've noticed that she doesn't seem to interact with other students.

  I don't blame her.  They can be quite rude.   The only time she isn't alone is when she's acting. And I must say, she is rather proficient.  Then it struck me.  The sole reason that she's prevalent is because of her acting skills.  They merely want to have some fame because they know her.  It disgusts me. 

Today, as always, Y/N is sitting on the floor in one of the hallways eating lunch.   It didn't seem like she had any friends. 

I was tired of seeing her alone.  It was clear to me that she was friendless.  So, I decided to grab lunch and sit next to her.  

(A/N: Leave Yusuke alone, fellas.  Don't say anything. Please.)

"Do you mind if I sit next to you, Y/N-san?" I ask. 

She looks up at me and nods. "Sure, I guess."

I sit down and begin to eat my lunch.

We stayed silent for two minutes before I finally spoke.

"You're always alone, Y/N-san.  Why is that?" I ask.

She sighs before putting the lid back on her container of soba. 

"Everyone just wants the benefits of being my friend.  I'm constantly treated differently by everyone.  They'll smile, but when I look into their eyes, all I see is them trying to have some sort of fame.  Like they're relevant or something." She then looks at me. 

"I act not for fame or money, but to inspire others to pursue their passions." She says passionately. 

I smile at her.  "You know, we're quite alike.  I paint not for fame, nor do I do it for money, I do it to show others the beauty of art, but most importantly, to show others that painting can be quite fun." 

"You know, you're the first person in this school that has given me a genuine smile." She says sadly. 

"Well, there's a first time for everything, right?" I say.

The bell rings, and we quickly say goodbye and head to class. 

                                                          ~Time Skip~

Y/N and I meet up after class.  

"Hey, Yusuke-kun." She greets me.

"Hello, Y/N-san," I say.

We talk about our hobbies. 

Turns out, Y/N likes video games, anime, books, movies and art.

We continue to talk until I get a text from Madarame.

"I have to go, Y/N," I say sadly.

"Here, I'll give you my number." She says.

We exchange numbers, and then I head off to the front of the school where Madarame is waiting.

"I saw you talking to a girl.  Is she someone special?" He asks.

"She's a friend," I respond.

While she was my friend, for some reason, she didn't feel like one.

She felt like more than just that. 

Yusuke Kitagawa x Reader Boyfriend Scenarios (But he attends Shujin)Where stories live. Discover now