Let's Take A Step Back

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See that turtle right there? The one with the sword being held to his neck? Ya, that's me.
My name is Donatello Hamato, the funniest brother.
I'm basically Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne minus the mansion. Anyways, you're probably wondering how I got here.. or not.
But the truth is, I'm actually not quite sure what happened either. But since I'm already doing this 80s introduction, we might as well skip to the part where I do my line that queues the flashback.

Let's rewind this a bit.

~~~Just 1 hour earlier~~~

"Welcome to the future, gentlemen."

Donnie proudly spread out his arms to reveal his latest creation.

A small metal cube was sitting on the table that he was gesturing to. It had geometric engravings on it that glowed Donnie's signature tone of purple. Minus a few complicated controls and miniature circuit boards on one side, the cube looked fairly simple.

Leo and Raph both raised an eyebrow and looked at eachother in confusion.

Mikey shoved his way in between the other two turtles with sparkles in his eyes
"Whoa! A box!"
He clapped his hands excitedly

"What-no. It's more than just a box, Micheal."
Donnie rolled his eyes and rubbed his forehead exasperatedly
"It's an interdimensional energy materializer."

Mikey blinked
"An inter-whatalizer?"

Leo gave Donnie an unamused look.
"Why does that sound like a disaster waiting to happen?"
He knew how these things normally went.

Donnie shot Leo a dirty look and picked up the box
"It's not! Trust me. It simply draws off energy from other dimensions to create new power sources!"
Donnie picked the box up in his hands held it out to Leo so he could get a closer look.

Leo raised an eyebrow and leaned away cautiously. He slowly pushed his brother's hands back to his chest while looking between him and the box
"Ya. Like I said, a disaster waiting to happen."

The softshell turtle huffed in annoyance.
"Oh calm down man, it's not like I'm drawing power from other universes."
He placed the box back on the table.
"Im drawing it from dimensions. And before you ask what I mean- looking at you Mikey- you can think of a dimension as another plain of reality. An invisible world that exists within ours but is inaccessible to us."

Donnie puffed out his chest and proudly pointed to himself
"But I accessed it~!"

Raph stepped forward to put a hand on Donnie’s shoulder with a worried expression.
"That's cool and all Donnie but... don't you think we should leave these things alone? It doesn't feel like our place to mess with things like this."

Donnie looked at the hand on his shoulder and nudged it off with a small jerk.
"But Raph! Just imagine the good this could do! There's copuis amounts of unused energy just floating around in these small pocket dimensions scattered around our world! If we were to harness it, who knows what we could do!"
He explained.

Raph sighed and shook his head.
"I understand Donnie, I just think that we should be the ones to experiment with this stuff. I mean, we're just kids."

Donnie looked back at Leo and Mikey for some sort of backup, but they both kept watching the debate unfold with their mouths shut.
As soon as they noticed Donnie looking at them though, they immediately avoided eye contact.

Donnie glared at them and then looked back to the snapping turtle.
"Ya but.. there's more than just power in these dimensions! There's space! If my extractor can infiltrate these dimensions, it could also be the key to getting inside them! It would be like a storage container! Free unused space!"

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