22 : Red

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So here is the next part

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Karan's pov

She is one strong will person even her body was not helping her she kept going that's the kind of determination we need in army

I m really proud of her as a mentor

After she complete the task i nudge kirti to go to her  and she move to her

Teju pov

I sat there not feeling like moving when i felt a hand on my shoulder i look up

" You go and shower then come to the nursing room the wound needs to be disinfected " she said to me i nodded and move to my room

Changing in a simple tee and skirt i move to the room with slight wet hair

As i enter i was surprised seeing kirti mam there

" what come inn " i realised i had stopped on the gate only

I went inside and sit on the chair she took out disinfect and dip the cotten it in

" it will sting a bit " she told me and it did i hiss a lil

" i know you were surprised seeing me here " she said and i look up by eyes widening a lil at being caught " Well i was a medical student this is nothing i can even treat a gun wound professionally " She told me and i just look at her with wide eyes

" and its done " she said and i look down i didn't acknowledge my pain being surprised by her

" you know you are a great trainee and do everything right but there is one thing you need to change that is to talk when you want to like its okay to keep your privacy but in our profession you need to speak up about your opinion when you are doing team mission you need to have the ability to lead them and for that the most important thing is your speaking skills and it don't come from within you need to practice it Well i understand you bcoz i was same and my Mentor's were kind enough to let me know so i m doing that to you " She said to me

" i will try to do as you said " i said instead of just noding like always and she smile at me

We hear the door opening and i turn to door as my back was towards it

" i need few medical supplies some have got hurt on leg and they can't come here " Karan sir said hurriedly and with his breath i could guess he had run here

" Yaa here take them i will also join there only " kirti mam said handing it to him and hold few things and move in hurry i also grab a few laid out things and move behind them

Holding a basket put a lil pressure on my wound and i hiss a lil and karan sir immediately stop

He turn to me " keep it here "

" its okay "

" No its not to be fine tommorow you should take care of your wounds today only " he said to me in a way that make me look in his eyes the concern was clearly visible there

I put the basket on the things he was holding move beside him so that if it fall i can hold it

" you did extremely well today better than many " He suddenly said looking ahead only

" Thank u sir "

Our small walk come to an end as we reach the ground

Kirti mam and aditi mam tends the wound

" You all did well i know it was tough and that's what your profession is you will never how strong your enemy untill you fight them So to defeat your enemy You all need to be prepared for anyyyy Danger and Obstacle as you all are tired today and are not in good conditions too So your evening classes won't happen today but from tommorow everything we go with schedule okay "

" OKAYY " all said in unison

After having lunch we just rest in rooms

Karan's pov

Many recurits had gotten hurt aditi asked me to get the supplies i rushed to get them but as i open the door and she turn to me

For a second everything stopped i had never saw her in open hair

Her hair was moving freely they were slightly wet and without any makeup also She Was Looking Angelic

But i immediately control myself and said what i come there for

As she walked behind me i was thanking my luck as it was a task keeping my eyes to the path i was walking

I listen her hiss and immediately ask her to give it to me she was a lik hesitant but she did and she look in my eyes and it was a difficult task to look away but i did

And then she come beside me i just look at my path and not at her as we have to reach the ground faster

I praised her that too without looking at her my inner self chuckle at me only

After giving them rest for the day

We all get busy in finding new information the more we are finding the more dangerous and complicated its becoming

Pov end

Teju's pov

Well this weak was tough to say the least our morning routine remain the same

But in evening we did new things everyday

We learn how to tend simple wounds we learn out to track a tracker that we had planted somewhere

We learn a lil bit about micro gagdets we learn simple and effective moves of boxing and a lik bit of leg work of karate in evening

The coming week we will be tested each and everyday and the last thing we will learn in how to shoot

I m damn excited for it

Bcoz the coming week is more tough then this one

Our senior's are taking to trek

The near mountain in shimla it will be a competition too

We will learn how to survive on our own even we have a mission on such a place our senior's will guide us

The competition is a race

The team that will reach the top first will top there flag there

Me and nisha are in same team every team has a color and we are supposed to wear that color top shirt tee whatever we have

We belong to team red so me and nisha are wearing red

I should sleep as we have to start our journey  by 6 and start our journey the breakfast will be packed and taken to have on journey

Pov end

She laid on the bed to sleep being excited about the new day

Other side

Karan sat there looking at the information they had on the mission they are supposed to do

  organ traficking drug supply arms supply human traficking bomb explosive every damn crime were involved  they all have one boss that freaking inhuman human

They have to catch him or her or it can be a leading all

But he know it's that one mission he will remember all his life

That's for today

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TejRan : Kaisi Yeh Dastaan✔✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin