Chapter Fifteen

Depuis le début

All plans were ruined though, any sort of confrontation they were planning was instantly blown to smitterins. As soon as that open the door, the sight of Hinata Hyuga standing in front of Sakura's apartment had both her and Naruto blinking in surprise, but the sight of Yamanaka Ino right behind her had their minds blanking out.

Oh for fuck's sake.

"See, I was right wasnt I?." Ino bragged, she looked a bit deranged, looks like she was definitely losing sleep over Sakura's business.
"Why would a guy who already has a girlfriend, be coming out another women's house. "

Sakura stared blankly at Ino, was this girl that vindictive? Sakura didn't know that Yamanaka Ino was this petty. Was she trying to cause a commotion here and now, if so, Sakura was going to bite back three times harder than she was bitten.

"Are you serious?." Naruto scowled.
"Ino, what the hell is your problem?."
There was a flash of red in his eyes as Kurama started to react as Naruto grew annoyed.

Hinata was still silently staring at them both, seemingly trying to decide what to make of this situation herself.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?." Ino said crossing her arms over her chest.
"What are you doing in Sakura's house then, when you're dating Hinata?."

"I dont see how that's any of your business, Yamanaka. " Sasuke said appearing behind Sakura and Naruto, a glare on his face that would cause grown men to flinch.
"Trying to cause problems already?."

"Sa..Sasuke-Kun." Ino stammered, thrown off loop at see the Uchiha rhere. She gaped for a few silent seconds before her eyes turned vicious.
"Another man in your house, Sakura,  I didn't know you were such a slut."

Ah, Sakura thought absentmindedly.
The words of a woman who didn't get want they wanted, honestly Sakura  wasnt even bothered, it made no sense to bite Ino's bait.
She was about to say so, when an arm wrapped it self around Sakura's waist, as another draped itself over Naruto's shoulders.

"Well, you will find me guilty, I'm an absolute slut for my Hime." Shisui's voice purred over their heads, and it was quite satisfying to see Ino take a step back.
"I've been waiting to meet this so called Ino for a while now, and look at that, you've brought along the girl we wanted to see." He pressed a noisy kiss to Sakura and Naruto's temple before he pushed them gently aside, reaching out to grab Ino by the collar of her shirt, he dragged her inside, he completely ignored her protests and threats.
"Come along now." He turned to look at Hinata over his shoulder, Sharingan bleeding to life in his gaze making Said girl reel back.
"Let's not make a scene at the front door, if rumors start, the one who started it will be dealing with me."

Hinata nearly stumbled as she hurried inside, the door closing shut behind her sounded like a jail cell.

"I must thank you for bringing Naruto's girlfriend here instead of us going to find her." Shisui remarked cheerfully, he pushed Ino onto the sofa none to gently as he took a seat opposite her.
"Let's get down to business shall we, what the fuck do you think you're doing?." He snarled, tomoes spinning wildly.
"Is it fun to You, torturing my Hime?, certainly isnt fun for me, for the rest of us."

"..Umm." Hinata spoke up, making him whip his head in her direction.
"..Who are you?." Wasnt Sasuke the last Uchiha alive? Who was this man?

"Me?." He asked, poking himself in the chest.
"Uchiha Shisui, Sasuke's cousin."

"...But..arent you supposed to be dead?." She slapped a hand over her mouth at that, it was extremely rude of her to say that.

"That's what I have been trying to tell you Hinata!." Ino yelled, jumping to her feet.
"Sakura has been bringing murderers back to life, she brought that bastard back, the son of a bi-"

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