Chapter Ten

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Why was Yamanaka Ino so damn annoying? Someone please tell her, why the hell was she so determined to make Sakura miserable, to make Sakura hate her? Was that what she wanted? For Sakura to despise her?, never ever talk to her again?.

She sighed, shaking her head, Sakura decided not to dwell on that particular touchy topic as she ran over the details on her patient's file. Its been a couple days since she had woken up, this time her apartment, and as soon as she had returned to the hospital, her duties suddenly doubled, not that she minded there was always some injury to heal, surgeries to perform, it was her job and she was the damn best at it.

She also havent been able to slink down back to her office, and she also hasn't been able to see Nagato yet.
Okay, that one really sucked, not getting to see him when he regained consciousness and she still didnt get to see him now. Life hated her sometimes.

She had left instructions with Tenten and Sai if she didnt make it hack, smart thinking to because look at where she was at the moment.
Sakura let out another sigh, this one tired and achy before she pushed the door open to the room she had her patient waiting.

"Good Morning, Mrs Kunimi." She said, a bright smile on her face at the sight of the elderly woman sitting on the bed.
"And how are you today?." Small talk with her patients always kept her mind off the more annoying topics.

Like Ino...

God Damn it.

"I'm fine, Dr Haruno." She replied, oddly cheerful for someone who had hip surgery coming up.
"And you?."

Sakura waved a hand around as she flipped over the files in one hand.
"Same old, same old. Its been a bit tiring for me lately."

"My, are you getting any rest?." Mrs Kunimi asked, concerned as Sakura begins her check up, blood pressure, blood sugar, the works.

"Rest is an understatement, I feel as if I haven't had a good sleep in ages." Sakura huffed, looking down at the little machine in her hand, waiting for the readings to pop up.
"And whatever sleep I do get, I wake up more tired that anything. "

"You should take a few days off, dear Child, its not good to push yourself so hard."

As if she didnt already know that, Sakura just smiled, not wanting to be disrespectful because Mrs Kunimi was older than her and had more knowledge than her about such things, she must know how it was to push to much.

"Ahhh, how about this." She began, putting away all the equipment as all the readings came back good.
"After your surgery, I'll take three days off just to relax."

Mrs Kunimi lit up, a smile spreading over her cheeks making the dimples stand out, it always warmed her heart to see her patients care so much about her.
Before said patient could say something however, another more masculine voice spoke up. One she had heard before.

"I agree, I'll make sure she gets all the rest she needs."

Sakura didnt wait till he finished speaking, already out of her chair with a speed she only used on the battle field, and was flying into the red haired man's arms. He grunted at the impact she made against his chest but his arms were sneaking around her waist to lift her shorter self against him as he hugged her back just as fiercely.

Nagato buried his nose against her temple and inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of her citrus and vanilla shampoo, his arms tightened around her as she buried her face in his neck. He could also feel the hot tears running down his neck.

"Ah, Hime dont cry." He chuckled.
"The moment I'm seeing you after waking up, and you're crying." He whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple, smiling.
"Dont let Hidan know about this. He'll tease you to no end."

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