Tickets to TwitchCon

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I woke up and winced at the bright sun coming in through my window. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand to check Instagram when I saw what time it was. 10 am. College starts at 8 am. My eyes widened in fear. "SHIT!!" I yelled. I leaped out of bed and starting rummaging through my closet to find something to wear.

I decided on wearing leggings and a sweatshirt. I didn't have time to wear anything nicer. I was extremely late for school.

I did my morning routine and sprinted out of my apartment. I decided to take the stairs rather than the elevator because of the time it would save.

I aggressively hailed a taxi and hopped in the car. I told the driver the location and politely asked him to hurry. We were going at a good pace until we stopped moving.

"Uh sir?" I asked confused. "What's going on?" He looked at me from the front view mirror and said, "Their was a wreck on 11th street, and it's backed up from here."

"Awesome." I thought to myself. It was currently 10:45. School started almost 3 hours ago. This is amazing.


After what seemed like an eternity, we finally got out of traffic and I got to school at 11:05. I rushed into my class and sat down right before the tardy bell rang. As if it mattered, I was already hella late.

When Mr. Sullivan started talking, I started zoning out because of how boring this class always was. I suddenly snapped out of my daze when I heard the word "project."

"Everyone will be completing a project on your favorite fashion designer. It is worth 100 points and is due in 2 weeks." He said while handing out the rubric. I obviously already know who I'm doing mine on. Miuccia Prada. Her work is outstanding.

I received one of the rubrics and immediately started jotting down ideas for my essay.


I got home and plopped down on my bed. It was a long day.

I opened up Twitter and started scrolling.
I saw yet another tweet from Spreen.

Spreen✔︎ @SpreenDMC
gracias a todos por ve el 24 hs en el techo fue una locura lastima que se me cortó el stream 30 veces pero gracias a los que siempre volvían no importara la hora

I have no fucking clue what he just said but I assumed it was something good because the first word was 'gracias.' I pressed 'translate tweet' and it said, "thank you all for watching 24 hours on the roof it was crazy too bad my stream was cut off 30 times but thanks to those who always came back no matter what time it was."

Apparently he had streamed on the roof last night. I was about to start stalking him on Twitter when I got a call from Alex.

When I answered I heard a voice scream "YN!!!" "OH MY GOD, WHAT?!" I yelled back. "GUESS THE FUCK WHAT!!" "WHAT??" I asked eagerly. "TWITCHCON IN SPAIN IS COMING UP AND I BOUGHT US TICKETS!!" he said excited. I was kinda shocked at the news. I wasn't sure how well that would go since I barely speak any Spanish. "Oh. Cool." I said hesitantly. "What? Aren't you excited?" He asked as his face dropped. "I am, it's just I don't know how that's gonna work. I don't speak Spanish and I'm sure not a lot of people there will be able to speak English."

"Well you have me." he said "I can be like a translator." "Yea I guess." I said with a small smile. "Hey don't worry, it'll be fun, even if you don't know Spanish." "You're right. I need to look on the bright side. Thanks." I said with a cheesy smile. "You're welcome." He said also with a cheesy smile.

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