Nineteen- Date

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"What're you doing?" Laughed Justin as he watched Ruby continually look over her shoulder as if she expected someone to come and try to kill them at any moment

"Sorry" she blushed "its just, well you know how Phil was at my house?"

"Yeah" he seemed a little jealous

"Well he's been like practically stalking me and always finding ways to end up where I am. He faked his bus being flooded in front of my mom and she made me let him stay at my house."

"Wow that's kind of creepy"

"Yeah I know" she looked over her shoulder once more "so you can see why I'm on edge."

"It's understandable but" he leaned in taking her hands "he's no where in sight" he whispered, causing her to smile.

"Thankfully" she sighed, she smiled at Justin who was looking handsomer than usual in a black button up shirt and black jacket, over casual jeans. The corners of his warm brown eyes crinkling each time he smiled, which was a lot. "This place is beautiful" she mused looking around.

"Yeah reminds me of home" he replied not taking his eyes off her. They were at a South African restaurant, it had an almost safari like theme. Dinner had surprisingly gone without interruption and now they were waiting on the bill.

"What you said about the pack, that was cute we should use that" she remembered

"Use it where?" he asked

"In our storyline..."

"Oh you're coming back then?" He smiled excitedly, squeezing her hands

"I'm not sure yet. But I think I am going to London to talk to Vince." She shrugged.

"That's great! I hope you come back...makes it easier for me to see you" he smiled shyly, was he blushing?

"Aw that's so sweet.", his hands felt warm in hers. He opened his mouth to say something, no doubt something charming when they were interrupted by the waiter.

"The bill" he nodded curtly as he placed it in the middle. He gave a sideways look to Ruby who nodded a go ahead look to him. Ruby reached for the bill but so did Justin. She grabbed it.

"I'm paying!" She told him

"Ruby please, I invited you" he smiled as he reached for it

"It's your birthday, let me pay" she said as she pulled out her card

"A gentleman should always-" he was cut off by the waiter bringing him a slice of checkerboard cake with a sparkler in it and the rest of the staff following him. She checked her watch, perfect 12:01

"We have a birthday!"announced the waiter, he blew a kazoo. "1,2,3" he clapped, the restaurant clapped along

"Happy, happy, birthday! Justin it's your birthday!" They all sang, she couldn't help but laugh at the deer in the headlights look on his face. She took her iphone out to take a picture, she had managed to snap 2 when a text came on the screen.

From: Phil Love of My Life, Best In The World, CM Punk, Brooks

"Why aren't you home yet?! Don't you dare kiss him, I don't want anyone erasing my lips from your mouth"

What in the hell?! Who did he think he was?! And when had he put his number in her phone? She definitely would never put him in her phone under that name. She could imagine his face twisted in anguish as he paced wondering where she was and what they were doing. She touched her lips as she thought back to their kiss...

"You want some cake?" Chuckled Justin, holding out a forkful to her.

"What? Oh no thank you" she shook her head. She had to get Phil out of her head.

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