Four- Tips & TV

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He tried his best to suppress the growing irritation she was causing, and plastered on a fake smile.

"Sounds great" he managed to say through clenched teeth, "but you'll have to stick around, unlike some, I have the main event match of the night" he knew he struck a nerve when he saw the momentary flash of anger in her eyes. She quickly replaced it with her usual could care less look.

"Oh burn" she mocked, he opened his mouth to reply but once again she had already turned on her heel and was walking toward the TV room, leaving him AGAIN. He let out a sigh of frustration. This girl was gonna make him old before his time he thought as he shook his head. He turned and went to the locker room to change into his ring gear.

"So how's melting the ice queen going?" Asked Kofi being his usual cheerful self as he slipped on his knee pads. Punk shook his head.

"Just great"

"We all saw you at ringside watching her match" smirked Randy Orton who was stretching for his match against Kane.

"You ask her out yet?" Cody asked from where he was combing his hideous mustache in the mirror.

"No" punk answered pulling on his boots.

"Why not?" Asked Wade who was putting on his ridiculous tuxedo jacket.

"Guys who's the expert here?" He looked around smugly "trust me I know what I'm doing"

"Yeah well you better! I got money riding on you!" Sheamus teased

"Yeah yeah" Punk muttered. Well at least he thought he knew what he was doing. He really had no set plan, after being direct had seemed to fail. He chewed his gum in frustration, before sighing as he got up and headed to the TV room, he spotted Rue sitting unwelcomingly in the middle of the couch, her arms crossed, causing her breasts to look larger than they already were, fuck he thought. He definitely wanted her physically but he couldn't stand her once her mouth opened. She was arrogant and didn't care if what she said offended any one and well, she was just like him. As he came closer he could see the look of boredom on her face as she watched a tag team match. Just as he reached the couch he saw Dolph talking to her.

"C'mon you owe me a date after you made a fool of me!" He whined as he stood a over her not bothering to hide the fact that he was staring at her chest.

"No" she said not bothering to even look at him. So he wasn't special thought punk, she was like that with everyone. She was annoyed by Dolph. He could at least try to hide the fact that he was just trying to sleep with her and win the bet, that's what Punk seemed to be doing. Dolph attempted to sit next to her but she put up her feet. He went to the other side but Punk quickly sank in, draping an arm around Rue.

"I believe the lady said no" he smirked. Dolph glared at him as he saw that Ruby didn't fight Punk's touch.

"Stay out of this Punk" he whined but didn't stay, as he left in frustration. As soon as he left Ruby threw off Punks arm, and moved to the other side of the couch.

"I can handle myself" she growled

"Never said you couldn't" he rebutted as he kicked up his feet on the coffee table "I just never pass up the opportunity to mess with Dolph" she wasn't listening already clacking away on her phone, not even watching the match. He snapped his fingers in her face. "Hey! You're missing good learning opportunities" she looked at him annoyed but she put her phone away nonetheless.

"Whatever you say" she muttered.

"Look" he pointed at the TV where Randy Orton was wrestling with Kane. "See how Randy works the crowd? He makes sure to get a reaction. Look how in sync they are. They're working together, are you looking?" She was leaned forward her elbows on her knees as she watched. He patted the spot next to himself. "Come closer" he ordered

"I can see fine from here" she shot back, he sighed in frustration, why did she have to be so difficult?! He scooted closer to her, their knees almost touching.

"When you work with your opponent you both look better. If you only worry about yourself then the match won't work out half as well" he continued. Watching her out of the side of his eye, he could see her absorbing everything he said like a sponge, she may not care about anything but she definitely cared about wrestling and he could respect that especially because she reminded him of himself, and she looked so beautiful there, the reflection of the tv dancing on her dark brown eyes, and for some reason he wanted desperately to move the hair that was obstructing a better view of her seemingly flawless face.

"Ha, you're advising me to be less self centered? Seems hypocritical to me" she scoffed, and in an instant the moment was broken. She gave a sideways look and saw the irritation sprawled across his face as their eyes met. He wasn't ugly, she couldn't deny that. He was pretty good looking if she absolutely had to say so. But she saw something in his hazel green eyes that nobody probably did. She saw that somewhere underneath that hard, tough exterior he put on was a little boy, a little Philip Jack Brooks that maybe wasn't loved enough, wasn't hugged or praised enough. A little boy who just wanted to love and be loved, and it surprised her. She had to fight the urge that came over her to throw her arms around him and just squeeze him until that little boy in him knew that it was going to be ok. It was almost as if he sensed it, because immediately he looked away. He knew she was no longer looking through him but into him, he knew those dark brown eyes were looking into him, into the deepest darkest corners of his soul, the part of him that he knew no one would ever love, and he felt ashamed. He didn't like this feeling of nakedness she gave him. He sat up clearing his throat,

"My match is in 5 minutes, I need to go me by the curtain to walk out to my match."

"I'll watch from here" she muttered staring at her shoes as she spoke.

"The best view is from ringside, if you really want to-"

"Fine!" She sighed as she got up. She stated at him, "well go on"

"What you're gonna watch me stretch?" A smirk pulling at his lips.

"Just go on" she rolled her eyes as he walked ahead of her. This was gonna be a loooooong night.

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