Seventeen- Interrogation

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Frank opened his eyes just before being attacked by blur of neon red hair.

"Ugh" he groaned as she landed on top of him.

"Frank" Ruby shook him. Geez what time is it? He thought must be late for her to beawake "hey! Jerk!" Oops he must've said that out loud.

"What time is it?" He groaned shutting his eyes, trying to pull the blankets over himself.

"It's 9:15 am get up!" She ordered straddling him and trying to pull him up.

"Why are you up so early?" He peeked up opening one eye.

"My mom is here! I might've had to tell her that you're my boyfriend in front of Phil...and so now we have to go to breakfast and keep this crap up"

"Wooooooby whhhhhy?!" He whined "I still don't get why I'm pretending to be your boyfriend in the first place"

"I promise I'll explain eventually but for now please get up and dressed, and lets try to keep our story straight. Just let me answer everything they're gonna ask us" she sighed as he sat up.

"You owe me big time Woob" he groaned hugging her.

"I know Frank" she sighed "I love you" she kissed his cheek

"I love you too" he sighed as he pulled away and got out of the bed to get dressed.

"Oh look look! Here she is blowing out her candles on her second birthday" Ruby's mom Esmeralda exclaimed, her Spanish accent was charming. How could a woman this sweet be the mother of someone like Ruby...she must take after her father. He looked at the picture, it was a little girl in a green dress with a Pebbles Flintstone pigtail, her hair golden brown, her dark eyes half closed as she blew out the candle, she was surrounded by other kids.

"Wow so that's her natural hair color, " he had to admit that even as a child she was beautiful.

"Oh yes she had such lovely hair although it was quite red when she was born, prompting her name Ruby, then it became quite blonde..." She explained as she dug out more pictures

"And are these her...cousins?" He pointed at the kids surrounding her, all older, she looked

"Oh no! Those are her siblings!" She nodded taking the picture as pouting at each person "this is my oldest Opal, she's 32" she pointed at the oldest girl who looked about 13 who had large Doe brown eyes "then this is Sterling, he's 30" a tall lanky boy about 11 with freckles, "then there's Amber and Pearl, 27 and 26" two girls the older one chubbier and tanner and the younger one smaller and more fragile looking.

"So Ruby is the youngest?" He asked.

"Oh well she was for a while...after her father died I didn't consider having anymore children..." Her eyes filled with sorrow as she seemed to back to a sad place.

"Her father died?" He was intrigued maybe this is why she was so closed off. Ruby's mom cleared her throat

"Yes...about a month before Ruby turned a year..." She said barely before a whisper. Ruby's mom didn't look too she must've been young when he died. Her eyes filled with tears...

"I'm so sorry for your loss" Punk didn't know what else to say, she seemingly snapped out of it, and wiped at her eyes

"Oh it's alright. It was so long ago...but anyway no Ruby is not the youngest. When she was 6 at her insistence I got remarried and had 2 more, 2 boys Jasper and Micah, Jasper is 15 and Micah is 13"

"My you have quite the gemstone collection" he laughed wow so she had 3 sisters and 3 brothers.

"Yes I'd like to think so, you know Ruby used to always tell me 'Mama un día será la más brillosa', Mom I'll be the brightest some day" she seemed sad

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