
I roll my eyes playfully and take a bite of my pizza.


"Fuck this is about to be so boring?We lose to this team every year"Jace states.

I shrug and look around.

"Awww look at her looking for Zoe".

I glare at Athena as she chuckles.Jace turns her head and I sigh.Maybe she isn't here yet.

"There she is!".

I follow Athena eyes and smile brightly.She was on the second row of the bleachers.

"I'll be back"."What?".

I jog off the field before walk towards the bleachers.I walk through a crowd of people before reaching Zoe.She turns her head before doing a double take.

"Banks?"."Hi beautiful"I say with a smile.

She points to the field and says "But you're supposed to be down there"."I know".

"Then what are you doing up here?"."I wanted to see you before the game".

Her eyes soften and I hand her my jacket."It's cold out here.Wear this"."But you need it more than be".

"Nope.I'm giving it for you to hold"."But-".

"-Take the jacket,Zo".

Zoe sighs and puts the jacket on."Better?".She nods her head and I kiss her forehead."See you after the game".

She nods her head and True whistles.

"I thought that bitch left the school".

I look over to the field and my eyes narrow."Laken Hemings"I say disgusted."Rivals?"Zoe asks.

"Oh those two hate each other ..no they despise each other".I roll my eyes and say "She annoys me.She had feelings for me and I rejected her.So ever since,she's been a Annoyying bitch".

"Well not everyone recovers from being rejected by the Banks Carrington"Zoe jokes."Oh I'm fully aware that I'm unforgettable.But she just brings jealously to another level".

I turn back to Zoe and say "If she messes with you,let me know"."I will".

I kiss her cheek before leaving the bleachers and going back to the field.

"Had fun with your girl?"Athena asks."It's always a fun time with her".

Jace rolls her eyes and says "I think the game is another to stay.We should get in our spots".

We ended up winning the game from a touchdown by Cody.I didn't know he was that good damn.

The guy was fast as hell.Shortly after,I told them I was going to the bathroom and I found myself wandering around.It took me 15 minutes before I realized I should be heading back.

I got to the confession stands before I looking around for my friends.

"Why are you wearing that".

I turn around to see a girl with a cheerleader uniform on for the rival team.She had black hair and green eyes..she was really pretty.

"Huh?"."The jacket.Why are you wearing that fucking jacket.Last time I checked,Banks Carrington doesn't look like this".

"She gave it to me"."And why would she do that".

"Because I was cold"I say tilting my head."It doesn't belong to you".

"I'm aware of that.I just fucking said she gave it to me"."Why would she give something to someone that she never takes off".

I narrow my eyes and start laughing."You're starting to piss me off"."Good.Maybe you will think clearly and answer my questions".

"Who the fuck do you think you are".She smirks and says "Laken".


She smirks satisfied and says "So you have heard of me"."Of course I have.You're the girl rejected by Banks".

Her smirk falls and she growls."And who the fuck are you to her?".

I feel someone put their arm around my shoulder. I see blonde hair and relax.

"Is she bothering you,Zo?"Banks asks.

She kisses my cheek before looking at Laken."Who is this girl?"."My girlfriend".

"You don't date"."I do now".

"That's bullshit.What dirt does she have on you"."None.We're dating".

"You don't date"."No..I don't date you.But her..oh I'm all in for her".

She kisses my cheek sweetly and looks at her watch.Putting her arm around me,she sighs.

"As much as I would love to keep having this conversation with you,I have things to do".

Laken glares at me as Banks walks us away.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now