Dragons ~ Fluff + Angst

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~ This is inspired by the movie called " How to train your dragon "


" Bang Chan ! It's time for you to be the chief ! You're gonna be a great ruler of- "

" Dad. I'm not ready. " Chan cut his father off.

His father, Mr Bang, sighed, petting the extra space on the bench beside him, telling Chan to sit beside him.

" Look Chan, I know you are worrying about Minho but you can't just leave the whole village because your dragon found its mate " Bang Chan stayed silent, watching his dragon, Lee Know looking at the distance where his mate had disappeared.

His father turned away, still talking, not aware that Bang Chan is already gone with his dragon.

" Still, son, you sh- and his gone, huh that kid... " Mr Bang said in disbelief.

~ Meanwhile with Han, the light fury

" Listen here, you little rat. You're bringing that night fury to me, and if you can't, I will have your head off. YOU HEAR ME ??? " Some prick threatened Han, who was locked in a cage.

Han whimpered softly, hissing silently at that overconfident prick. The cage opened harshly, frightening Han.

" what are you waiting for ?! Go ! " Velcro, the prick said, chasing Han with his bow and arrow, rushing him out.

" where are you, Minnie " Han thought sadly, tearing up.

~ Bang Chan and Minho

" Come on Minho, are you ready ? " Bang Chan asked for the hundredth time, hiding behind a tree while Minho is waiting for Han to arrive.

A faint roar was heard in the skies, and a majestic creature came, crashing down into the ground while panting. The majestic creature whimpered while tears were trickling down.

" what's wrong, love ? " Minho worriedly asks

" pain, here " Han forced out a sentence while pointing at his throat. A line of blood was trickling down and Minho frowned in anger

" THAT BASTARD " Minho roared loudly, making the whole forest shake. He walked over to Han, putting his hand on Han's chest, licking the blood before sniffing it. The wound started recovering, Han's whimpering slowly turned to snores.

Minho quickly took note of that, instantly carrying Han's body to lay on him. The light fury purred softly when Minho softly petted his head.

Just then, a net appeared suddenly, trapping both of them.

" HAHAHAHHAHA YES ! THESE ARE THE LAST FEW AND I'M READY TO MAKE THEM EXTINCT " Velcro's cackling echoed through the forest and Bang Chan tried freeing them, but it was too late as the angry Minho and scared Jisung were taken away.

Both of the furies were caged together and Velcro looked at them with greed.

Minho growled, standing in front of Jisung who was hiding behind him with fear in his eyes.

" oh ho ho, how cute, sadly, you guys won't live for long " Minho growled at Velcro, who was still babbling about how he was gonna kill the last of every dragon, until he [ Minho ] saw that one part of the cage was broken.

" Hannie, you see that hole over there? try slithering through it " Han put a foot through the hole, squeezing in. Some of the wood had scratched his skin making him bleed a bit but he successfully escaped.

Jisung looked back at Minho who was hiding Han behind him.

Not long after, Velcro's cries were heard as Jisung forcefully pinned Velcro to the ground, giving Minho a chance to escape.

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