𝐢𝐱. a promise

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JUNE SAT IN THE BOAT, the distant sound of sinking was heard and cheering coming from JJ. Her mind was still at the fight. The look on his face terrified her. Even though June had never really liked Rafe. There were times he treated her not just like a Pogue, but a friend. And now that was gone.

She knew it was about Pope mainly but, why them? Maybe if we weren't walking that certain route we wouldn't have been assaulted, she kept telling herself. Over and over again. But, that's was all lies.

He still would've found a way.

"Okay! Let's get outta here." JJ laughed lightly ruffled her hair as he rushed back onto the boat.

June refused to go anywhere without stitches as she was scared ocean water would make it worse. She suggested it for Pope too but, he declined since, "He would be fine."

"Dad?" She rushed in the house, watching him take a double take at her face. "What the hell? What have you done!" He rushed to her, lightly setting two hands on her face, "Just a stupid fight with some kooks, he," His eyes widened, "He? Who's he? A man put his hands on you?" He screamed.

"Dad, can you just stop for two seconds and clean me up." He noticed the dried blood on her forehead and closed his eyes, "Yes. Let me get Summer's kit." June rolled her eyes. Ever since she died he refused to say "Mom." Or my "Wife." He was apparently never married. He claimed he didn't know who she was.

As she sat on the chair, she squeezed his wrist tightly as he stitched her face. "Sorry."

He lightly wiped her lip with a Q-tip with alcohol on it, as he cleaned the open wound, along with her arms.

"How'd you arms get like this?"

"Fell into broken glass when they threw me." She shrugged. "I'm so sorry this happened to you." He put a hand on his head. "It's okay, dad. It's not your fault.

"It is. Im your father. And I've treated you like shit, lately. Make you feel like you couldn't come home. I love you, June." He said. "I know. You just need some help showing it."

"We'll work on it. Together." He said. "Okay. Together." She smiled, pulling out her pinky as he chuckled, wrapping his around hers as well, "We take these very seriously around here, dad." June told him, locking their Pinkies in a determined manner, "I bet you do, kid." He hugged her, their fingers still intertwined.

She couldn't help but think how much she wanted her mom here. How much she wanted her arms around her as well. But, she wasn't. But, she reached for her neck as she squeezed her locket, closing her eyes in sadness.

"You should go rest." He said, "I have work, but I'll miss it if you want me too?" She smiled at him softly, "No. I'll be fine."


She always knew her father was stubborn and the calm words that came out his mouth surprised her as she walked up the stairs.

Tears lightly filled her eyes as she took her shirt off, her hands roaming her waist as she looked at the big mark. "Fuck." She sighed, walking too get some a bandage.

Kiara felt concerned as she saw no June with JJ and Pope. And the scars on Pope's face made her worry. Where was June? Was she hurt to? What was happening?

It wasn't just some street fight. She knew they weren't that stupid.

June Quinn laid at the bottom of her bed as winced at almost every movement. All she needed to do was move with one swift motion to reach under her bed, pulling a had empty bottle of alcohol out.

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