Banda's dead bodies

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Banda dumped the body to the ground and stomped on it. It was acting as a ragdoll; no life to it.  There was a discriminatory loud thump as it flew across the room. Yeah he threw that bitch, bye Felisha! It was her own fault for no reason. Banda jus be that serial killer dude.

He was breakdancing over her dead body when he heard (yes he can hear) the door unlock. oh shiit noot good. Yaba ran to his love. "Ik you love killing my criossant but bebe pls wait for me until u have all the fun.

" Yessir,but now we can have even more fun" banda winked.

Awhhhyeaaaaaahahhhhhhhahahhahahahhahahahh thought yabababababa lets do this shit bro.

Yaba x Banda x Chishiya x Niragi x y/n (interpret in any way idek)Where stories live. Discover now