Castiel x Reader Letter to my (possibly ex) love: Don't Forget

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Dear Castiel,
This is it. It's over. It's all done. Everything we worked so hard for, broken down, shattered to millions of pieces. Pieces that stabbed my heart over and over again as you spoke. Your mouth forming those final words:
"We shouldn't be together."
But what happened to all those nights you held me close and told me you'd never go? I guess it turned to dust like the rest. You burned it all to ash! You lied! And now I'm left alone to fix myself because of it. Maybe you were right after all... Maybe we shouldn't be together. If what you said is true, then it was never my fault. YOU messed up. YOU ruined us. YOU scarred me. All I ever did was make you happy, Castiel. I'll admit, I've messed up a few times, we've fought, made some bad decisions but we survived. We made it out. But not this time. And now here I stand, alone, forsaken, forgotten, unwanted. That's what happens when you pretend to be God, Angel. You break everything around you because you finally have the power to do whatever you want. Love and power don't mix when it comes to Heaven, Castiel. You know that. Yet you did it, continue to do it, anyway. You got what you deserved and I just happened to be in the way of your war path, your true God given punishment. That's what pride gets you, Cas. But I'm not an ignorant child like you. I know what punishment really is. What comes around goes around, Castiel. Trust me there because I see the world for what it truly is unlike you. I know that one of these days, sometime soon, that you'll fall off of that pretty little throne you built for yourself up there and you'll come crawling back, begging for forgiveness. And I'll give it to you. Forgive but not forget. Remember that, there's a difference. You see, I have the courage to accept what I know I'll do, unlike you. You know that you'll end up slaughtering Angels like its nothing; no guilt no... Regret but you won't accept it now. No, not until it happens. Not until your blade is stained red with the blood of the fallen. Only then will you step up to the plate and accept your actions. I'll never forget what you've done or what you'll do. But I will forgive you, this I know. It won't be for you, though. It'll be for me. So I can sleep at night with my conscience screaming at me for letting the one thing, the only one, I need the most to go on with life. So I can continue to love you like I did before because I'll never move on. Not from you. Your my fallen Angel, Castiel. I'll never leave you like you left me. I couldn't. But I need you to promise me something. Promise me that you won't forget who you are and what's been said here. Please. Don't forget.

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