Chapter 22

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     Meanwhile Few Days Later

   Jennie and Lisa come to the sky resort for two days off because Lisa want it they come here with the permission of their teacher

Lisa : * pout hold Jennie hand * babe  I'm scared what if I can't I've never skied * look at jennie *

Jennie : * smiled hold Lisa's hand tightly. * It's okay babe trust me just hold my hand and follow my move okay * start sking while hold lisa hand*

Lisa : * look down trying follow Jennie move scared * woow babe I can do it * *look at jennie smile skiing with jennie*

Jennie : * laughing because of Lisa cuteness slowly release her hand * Okay babe trying skiing yourself don't worry I'll your back * hold Lisa back *

Lisa : Okay love don't release me * *skiing while look forward * ooowwwwoow babe it's so funny but don't release me * skiing little fast *   kkyuaaa babe * laughing happily *

Jennie : * laughing loudly * so cool I'm proud of you honey * slowly release lisa without knowing her *

Lisa : * skiing alone without know * babe I can't believe I can skiing * laughing skiing more faster *

Jennie : * look at lisa from far away laughing little * I'm sorry love  *mumble *

Lisa : Jennie ? Babe ? * said loudly* are you there ?  * slowly look back shook * jennieee  why did you release me  ? I'm gonna kill you stupid mandu * screaming *

Jennie : * laughing * okay okay babe I'm coming  * start skiing faster than lisa catch her. * I'm here babe don't afraid       
* hold her hand smile stop her from skiing *

Lisa : * hit Jennie shoulder* you stupid mandu why did you release me I hate you you idiot I don't want to ski anymore * sharply said *

Jennie : * shook nervous* ( aishh stupid Jennie  )  okay babe I'm sorry it's my fault

Lisa : *  trying hold her smile * whatever just follow me I don't skiing anymore
* remove her ski leave without anything*

Jennie : * look at lisa leaving sigh quickly remove her skit and take lisa ski * babe wait for me let's go together
* run to Lisa *

Lisa : * sit beside Jennie cling her arm * it's really beautiful here I Love you honey thank you for home here with me
* lay her head on Jennie shoulder *

Jennie : *  smile look at lisa * I Love you too of course babe I'll do everything. for you  * kiss her cheek *

Lisa : * looking around see old couple sitting behind them * babe look at them so cute * pout look at jennie *

Jennie : * turn around look up smile look at lisa * they're so cute ,still love each other until now  * hug her tightly*  I Love you babe

Lisa : * smile hug her back smuggle into Jennie chest look forward * I Love you too babe * smile happily , look down move her feet * babe look it's starting to get high woow really cool * looking around look at the mountain * it's really amazing here

Jennie : * hug Lisa body make her lean on her chest * your right babe it's really beautiful here * smile kiss lisa cheek *

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