Chapter 8

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Mr Kim :  * sit on the couch while watching TV see jennie coming stand up  step toward to Jennie  * my darling where have you been ?  * hug jennie mess her hair  * my cute little mandu I'm so worried about you * kiss jennie's cheek *

Jen : dad ? * pout cutely * I'm not kid any more I'm already 19 don't do this * pull the hug fix her hair  *

Mr Kim : * nodded  * yeah you're old still kid for me ever you reach 30 okay  * mess her hair again *  why so cute my little Kim  * laughing  *

Jen : stop it dad  * Fix her hair look at him *   why you always say that  I'm mandu you also look like mandu that's why I look like mandu  * pout *

Mr Kim : okay okay you win  * laughing  *  go to your room change your clothes okay I'll cook for you my little Kim  * smile  *

Jen : okay my old mandu dad  * laughing go to her room  *

Mr Kim : please carefull you stupid mandu  * laughing *  come down quickly and help me okay  * shout go to the kitchen  *

Jen : * come in removed her jacket throw to her bed thinking about Lisa smile suddenly laughing because remember about embarrassed dance  *  I'm so stupid that people thought I'm crazy   *laughing  and change her clothes Heard her dad calling her from kitchen  *  okay dad coming wait ........ *  shout go to the kitchen  *


Jen : * keep walking to her classroom  *  ( In Mind : I can't wait see my Lili why I miss her so fast )    * smile thinking about Lisa but suddenly *

Seh : * hold Jennie's shoulder  * hi Jennie good morning let's go together * smile sweetly  * if you don't remember me I can say it again I'm Sehun  *  smile *

Jen : * look at him with annoyingly * I know sehun I'm also know that your Lisa's best friend no need say again  * blink her eyes  *

Seh : * laughing because of Jennie cuteness *  ahh I'm sorry Jennie I just thought you don't like me but I'm sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable I don't mean it

Jen : * smile look at sehun * it's okay I'm sorry also I'm too rude to you I don't mean it

Seh : * nodded smile *  it's okay I understand so friends ? * laughing *

Jen :  * smile nodded * yeah friends I'm glad I have friend like you thank you for understanding me let's go ?

Seh : yeah let's go bro or else Lisa might kil me for took you away from her  * smile drag Jennie * let's go dude

Jen : * look at sehun confused * what dose bro mean? I don't understand why you call me like that  *said innocently  *

Seh : * shake his hand look at jennie *   ( In Mind : why Lisa fall in love this innocent girl  )  It's mean we're beasties okay also you can call me bro or dude okay  ( In Mind :  what the fuck I'll feel like I'm with two years old kid )

Jen :  * wide eyes smile like kid  * wooow so cool  * give him thumbs up  * let me try ,  let's go bro  *look at sehun  *  wooow it's sounds like I'm already big man  * smile like idiot *

Seh :  * laughing *  okay okay big man let's go * start walking with Jennie  *  (  In Mind  : she's so handsome but too innocent )   * smile look at jennie*  ( In Mind : that why Lisa keep deeply in love with her )

Lis : * pout look outside *  where is my Nini ? I miss her so much

Ros : * look at lisa from Lisa bake  * Lisa are you kidding me? you see her one day ago then you miss her already come on monkey this is so cheesy  * annoyingly said  *

Lis : * look at rose  * I know Rose it's cheesy but I wannt see her so badly and yeah I saw her yesterday but I still miss her  * look at jisooright unnie tell her it's hard to in love with someone

Jis : * nodded * agree with Lisa it's so hard to in love okay Rose  * look at Rose smile  *   ( I'm Mind  : Like me , Like I miss you everyday )

Ros : OK okay calm down I just say okay no need explain to - - - - - - -  *  starlet because Of Lisa  *

Lis :  * see Jennie come in quickly stand up  *   Nini here I'm here  * shout cutely didn't notice sehun push him look at jennie hug her  *  I wait so long it's your fault  *  pout *

Jen : * giggle hug her back  * I'm sorry Lili I don't mean it   * pull the hug smile cutely  *  let's sit or teacher might mad  * hold Lisa's hand   * 

Seh : * look at jenlisa  *  excuse me I'm here I'm ghost or what I almost foll down Lisa you push me so hard   * pout look at Lisa * 

Lis  : * look at sehun * I'm sorry sehun I just hurry to see jennie I didn't see you there   *feel sorry for sehun  *

Seh : * shake his head  * it's okay Lisa I'm okay  * look at Lisa ,  look at jennie smile  *

Lis :  * smile look at sehun hold Jennie's hand  * let's sit Nini  * drag Jennie make her sit beside her  *

Jen : * smile look at Lisa *  ( in mind  : why so beautiful Lili )   * turn around look at Chaesoo * good morning unnie  *smile * good morning chipmunk  *pat Rose's head  *

Jis : good morning mandu  * laugh look at Lisa who's hug Jennie from side *  ( In Mind : this  kid )

Ros :  * smile hold Jennie's hand * good morning handsome girl   * teasing Lisa look at Jennie * why so cute Jennie I think I fall in love

Jes :  * hold her laugh see Lisa's tiger face  *  ( I'm Mind  :  My chipmunk so funny I'm sorry Lisa but it's so funny )   yeah why not Jennie's single and you also single you can in love Jennie   * more teasing Lisa  *

Lis : * hug Jennie more tightly slap rose's hand  * back of you hungry chipmunk I warning you  * look at rose with burning eyes make rose scared * I'll kick your ass  * look at jisoo  * I'll cut your tongue you two will regret  * sharply said  *

Jen : * scared also * hey Lili calm down it's just a Rose and unnie , why you scold them  *pout cutely*

Lis : *look at Jennie  * you don't understand anything I'll kill this two so don't make me more angry Kim  * look at Chaesoo  sharply * who's first ? you ?  * look at rose then jisoo  *  or you ?

Chaesoo : * scared start regret both look away can't look at Lisa  *


Lis : * notice teacher release the hug ,  look at Chaesoo  *  you two so lucky but it's not mean I'll stop my plan   * smirk look at jennie her mood change smile cutely  *   (  In Mind : my handsome mandu more handsome when she studying ) 

           TO BE CONTINUE.........

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