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So I have decided to crossover with tvd. The characters of tvd will be introduced in summer break after 4th year . I am not sure right now, If this will have sequel with original or not.

It's been a week since he was out of the hospital wing and since then Ron and Hermione were following him everywhere. So he couldn't meet Lyra to prepare for second task. She sent him a note in Potions which he had with Slytherin. She asked him to find a place where they could discuss their plan without anyone eavesdropping.

He was sitting in his bed with a silence bubble so he won't be disturbed from Ron's snores thinking about which place would be suitable to prepare for second task. He was frustrated as he wasn't getting any ideas. Why couldn't Lyra find a place for them.
He huffed in annoyance


"Wait Slytherin, Slytherin's Chamber of secret."

He slapped his forehead and then shook his head. It was too dirty and grime to practice in. If only he had a house elve. Wait he had one as a friend. He could ask Dobby if he wanted to work for him and pay him.

He hoped the little elf was listening and willing to be hired. "Dobby!"

"The Great and Kind Harry Potter sir has called for Dobby?

"Dobby, I was kind of hoping I could hire you, and could you just call me Harry. The Great and Kind Harry Potter sir is just too much."

Dobby looked devastated for a second then asked,
''Is Harry sir needing an elf for just one thing or is he needing for many?"

"Many. Definitely many."

"Dobby would happily do anything for Ki- Harry sir."

"How much should I pay you?"

"Dobby would prefer a bond." The look the elf gave Harry while making the request was filled with trepidatious hope.

"Dobby knows since he got clothes and be disgraced he not worthy to be Grea-Harry Sir's elf but Dobby wishes it more than anything. Dobby likes being paid and wearing clothes but a bond with Harry Sir would be even be even better."

Harry was stunned. He must have missed something.

"How about you sit so we can talk about it. I'm not really in favor of slavery you know. Now explain to me why you want a bond more than a job and being paid."

"House elves is having very strong magics, hard to controls. Bonds helps bind and bank the magic so elves' magic not burns out as quickly. Works help use it too. Without bond and works magics burns us up. Which kills them. That's why Bonded elves lives much longer and the elves don't want clothes."

Harry felt his stomach turn over.

"I am so sorry Dobby I didn't know. I didn't mean to shorten your life."

"Dobby knows Gre-Harry sir was just trying to help Dobby when he gets him freed. It made Dobby very happy because Dobby prefers short happy life to long miserable, pain-filled life as Malfoy's bonded elf."

"I'll bond you since that is what you want, but there will be some rules. Absolutely no calling me master; I prefer Harry, but I can live with Harry sir but absolutely nothing grander than that. You are my friend as well as becoming my elf, and my friends call me Harry. You get two days off each week and a sickle a week to spend as you please. We can discuss what you wear, I prefer you be in clothing over a tea towel or a pillowcase. If I ever hand you clothes, I'm not dismissing you. I probably forgot, or am giving you something for you to wear yourself, or to put away for me. Most importantly no punishing yourself, if you do something wrong you tell me and we'll figure out a just punishment."

"Half day each month only and two knuts a month. And Harry sir can just leave clothes for Dobby to pick up."

"I'll put them in a basket or hamper. Half day each week and two sickles a month. You have to take good care of yourself. No crying or carrying on if I say please and thank you, I'll be saying it often because everyone deserves to be appreciated not taken for granted. And if you ever change your mind about being bound you ask to be released."

"Dobby accepts."

"I accept." Harry was startled by a flash of pink light around himself and Dobby.

"What does Harry sir wish for Dobby to do?"

"There are many of things, but first and foremost I need you to clean up the Chamber of Secrets."

"How is Dobby be getting there?"

"Follow me. Once you've been somewhere you can pop out and in there right?"


"Can you pop people?"

"Yes, but not more than 3."

Ten minutes later they were in under the girl's washroom with caverns or pipes that lead to the Chamber of secrets and Dobby was looking like Christmas had come early.

853 words

Edit ~ I am back again. Sorry for the long wait. What happened is that my bestfriend came to visit me from her town. After 4 years btw we had a fun week :)

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