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Now here she was in astronomy tower, a habit that had developed since her first year whenever she wanted to seriously think about something, the 4th year student paused upon seeing a dark figure seated on one of the window ledges.

A displeased expression found itself on her face as she stood where she was for a moment, trying to make out the figure. This wasn't the first time that she had encountered other people in the tower, but it was the first time that she encountered just one person. The people she usually encountered were couples, delighting in the view and the...romantic setting of the place

He still hadn't noticed her -well, she had been silent upon entering for a reason.

Sighing, she wondered what she should do. She saw only two honest options; either go up to the figure and make him/her (it looked more like a male...) aware of her presence, or to just turn around and leave. But she didn't want to leave; it was 'her' spot after all. Wasn't it? Ah, yes, of course it was.
Making her decision, she took a few brisk steps forward, heading towards the seated figure. Besides, students weren't supposed to be up at this hour of the night anyway.
She started walking towards the figure. She noted he still hadn't noticed her presence. When she came closer she saw who it was Harry Potter her fiance. She has to talk to him. Now's the time she actually found him alone without Granger and Weasley. She cleared her throat to get his attention. He looked up he looked well broken.

"What do you want Lestrange?" He asked her

"I don't know if it's a good time or not but I wanted to inform you about something important"
she said formally without giving any emotion.

"What is it?" He asked rudely to her

"You don't have to be rude Potter" she said

"Sorry I am just tired. Can you please spit it out.

"We have a marriage contact with each other" she said quite bluntly

"What?" He choked on air

"We have a marriage contract and we have to marry each other." She said

"That's a very bad joke." He replied

"I am not joking" She said

"And,why should i believe you?" He asked her

"You can write to your account manager. It's in your vault."

"I have seen my vault it only has money. Nothing else."

"That would be your trust vault. It's in your family vault."

"I have more than one vaults?"

"Ofcourse did nobody tell you?"

When he shook his head she said

"For Salzaar sake, you are the heir of the Most Noble and Ancient house of Potter."

"Can you please give me more information regarding this issue?"

"When a child is born, most old families establish a trust vault to see to their school needs. It contains sufficient gold to pay for any incidentals they need until they come of age. In your case, your parents opened your trust vault a month after your birth. It contains 20,000 galleons and is to be topped off each year until you reach your majority. The Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter is one of our oldest families.Your family is part of the original families and scared 28.
Sacred Twenty-Eight were, according to the author of the Pure-Blood Directory (widely believed to have been Cantankerus Nott), the twenty-eight British families that were still "truly pure-blood" by the 1930s but the important part is they have 5 seats in Wizengamot and the originals are very old family which helped to build the ministry. And they helped in building wizarding world all over again after war these families include Potter,Peverell,Black,Slytherin,
Longbottom and if five families of the originals decides that the decision or law is wrong they have to cancel the law or decision."

"I didn't know any of that." He told her

"I know that now. You should have taken the heirship at age 7 and you are allowed to take the lordship at 14 as your parents are not alive."

"I still don't know if I should trust you or not."

"Just write to Gringotts about the contract and appoint a meeting with them." She answered him.

"How will we go to Gringotts?"

"Leave it to me." She winked at him and left the astronomy tower and the boy who lived with thoughts running around him.

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