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The Triwizard Tournament had come to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year. Harry had hoped beyond hope, as soon as he heard of it, that he could skip it, just watch it from the stands, join his fellow Gryffindors and cheer on whoever the Hogwarts champion would be. Then, as always, he had been dragged into it.

This absolutely lovely, Oct 31, 1994, was the one in which his name came out of the Goblet of Fire. An event that literally still makes no sense. He was made a fourth competitor in a Triwizard Tournament. Tri, meaning three, which can, apparently, mean four in the wizarding world. A world seemingly apt at making the illogical, logical. Three does not mean four unless it involves ancient magic, Department Heads from the Ministry of Magic, the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, the Heads of the three most prestigious schools of magic across Europe and an auror so paranoid that his moniker was 'Mad-Eye'. When faced with a fourth competitor in a three-participant tournament, those esteemed and distinguished members of the Wizarding World, simply agreed it would happen regardless.

Now It was midnight. Harry was standing very close to the edge of the astronomy tower contemplating his action. He had brought his invisibility cloak with him so he don't get caughth. His life had become quite unbearable ever since his name had come out of the Goblet of fire. The whole school had immediately turned against him with many people calling him a glory-hound, attention seeking prat and things like that.

The Slytherins as usual made use of this opportunity to harass and ridicule Harry for daring to become a school champion. It was immaterial to them, whether Harry had entered on his own or not. He was highly unpopular with them having beaten Slytherin in house cup & quidditch cup over the past three years. So, when Malfoy and his cronies and all the other Slytherins in his potions class mocked and harassed him by wearing those disgusting, stupid "Potter Stinks" badges, he was definitely unhappy but not very much surprised, since he hardly expected anything better from the slimy snakes.
After staying here for 4 years, Harry definitely believed that all Slytherins were evil, inhumane creatures with no sense of goodness. Not even one of them had shown any sort of kindness towards Harry.

Next came the hufflepuffs who were greatly displeased with Harry for stealing their champion's spotlight. Harry understood their sentiments even though he didn't like it when even many hard-core loyal hufflepuffs started wearing those stupid badges too.

But what surprised Harry was the behavior of the Ravenclaws. Many members of the supposedly house of the intelligent believed that Harry had somehow cheated his way into the tournament to earn some extra glory, as if he already didn't have enough of it with the stupid "Boy who lived" title. It seemed as if the sorting hat had made a huge mistake in placing those people in Ravenclaw. Meanwhile, his crush on Cho Chang had immediately vanished when he saw her sporting a "Support Cedric Diggory" badge.

But what hurt Harry was the behavior of the members of his own house. Many senior house members who put their name in goblet of fire was jealous of him and accused him of cheating. Ron and Hermione also didn't believe him and accused him of being cheater and attention seeker and also of getting their life in danger every year. Only Neville and Colin and some younger years believed him but didn't show open support as they were scared of their housemates.

His godfather Sirius Black was the only person who believed his word at face value and supported him when Harry had mentioned in a letter about how someone had put his name into the Goblet of fire. When Harry had mentioned about the behavior of Ron & Hermione, Sirius had gone into a lengthy rant against them which had somewhat comforted Harry.

Suddenly Harry heard someone clearing their throat. He turned around and saw a girl who had pale skin,blue eyes,red plump lips,curly hair he recognised her from the sorting. Lyra Lestrange daughter of the right hand of Voldemort

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