7 - History

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"Alright, Wizard Girl, you ready to hitch a ride and leave Wakanda?" Tony Stark said as they walked towards the Quinjet."

"There's one thing I do know for sure," she said as she walked slowly with Bucky on one side of her and Steve on her other. The two men were careful to stay by her side as they knew she was still a little unsure of herself despite her success at walking.

"What's that?" Bucky said.

"Since I've been given full approval to use my mystic powers, and since I've got my legs and am pretty decent with them, and since I'm an official Avenger..."

"Yeah," Steve agreed.

"I'm officially declaring a cease and desist of the use of the term Wizard, Tony. I am a Sorcerer, do you understand? Or should I make it clearer to you by using some of those powers?"

Bucky started half chuckling, half coughing at the rather firm burn that Sophia had just dealt to Tony. Steve just smiled wide silently laughing to himself with his mouth covered by his hand.

Tony's mouth hung wide open. "This is the thanks I get for all I've done for you Sophia."

"No, no, Tony Stark. I'll remind you that I'm the one who saved your hide, sir, no trying to make this about you," Sophia snarked back at him.

"You know, Steve, I am really loving this happy, healthy, full height Sophia. Do you notice that six feet tall Sophia has even more sass?"

Steve grinned. "You know I think I have noticed that, Buck."

Sophia coughed and as she did said *Taller than Bucky* in the cough.

He frowned and pushed her and she laughed and caught herself on Steve. "Don't worry, Buck. we're all taller than Tony." Steve laughed.

"I heard that!" Tony said as he walked up the ramp of the Quinjet. "Need I remind you, I'm richer than ALL of you!"

They all shrugged because no one could argue with that and no one wanted to since they knew he was probably paying their way through life in some ways.

Before long, Bucky and Tony were piloting them away from Wakanda and back for the journey towards New York. "It's going to be a long flight, get comfortable folks. We'll take shifts," Tony called out.

"You know, I do have a sling ring," Sophia reminded them.

"Yes, but we're not cheating this go round," Tony called back.

"It's not cheating, it's magic," She argued.

"You mean, like... wizards use."

"No, I mean like sorcerers use," she snapped.

Tony rolled his eyes. "Semantics."


Steve and Sophia settled into passenger seats next to each other on the Quinjet, Sophia was distracted looking around the massive jet, having never been in one before. Her mind was also on their destination, thinking about her future with the Avengers, and her past, her brother, the Masters of Mystic Arts, and even further back with her family.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Steve spoke up, catching her attention.

She looked up from where she'd been staring down at her leg. She had one leg up and the ankle crossed over her knee and pulled up the bottom edge of the Avenger sweatpants Tony had given her and was tracing her fingers over the black lines of her new legs, intrigued by the designs. Her thoughts however were a million miles away. "Oh, um... just thinking about... stuff."

"Want to talk about it?"

"Um... wow... It's a really long story."

"Good thing we have a really long trip," Tony said as he came back and sat down across from them, strapping in. "Autopilot is on."

Sophia Strange: The Newest Avenger (Steve Rogers x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon