2- An Avenger Now

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Sophia Strange found herself in Wakanda for a second time, but this time, lying on a medical bed looking out over the city. She'd barely slept her first night there in Wakanda in that medical bed, staring out the large glass windows at the night sky wondering what she'd gotten herself into. She found herself reliving the moments of the past few days. Wondering what was going to become of her legs. Wondering if she'd ever walk again.

She was alone except for members of the Medical and Technology teams that were coming and going. She looked to the empty chair by her bedside and considered that her brother could and should be sitting by her side. A sigh escaped her lips before she jumped at the sudden sound of someone's voice speaking up.

"I'm sorry he isn't here with you. It was a jerk move on his part." a now familiar voice called out.

Sophia looked up to see Tony Stark smiling from just inside the entrance.

"Mr. Stark," Sophia said, adjusting to sit up straight. "How are you feeling?"

"It's Tony, Wizard Girl. And seriously? You're going to ask me how I'm feeling?"

"Yes, I am. So? How are you, Tony?"

Tony chuckled. "You've got sass, kid–I like that. I'm doing alright. Still getting the pep back in my step," He said, moving a little slowly to get over to her. "Hope you don't mind me coming to visit. Can I?" he asked, motioning to the seat.

"Sure," she nodded. "Clearly I don't have many visitors."

"You know, I keep asking myself why you went and left your magical order, kid. Last I saw you in New York, you seemed pretty happy? I mean, all things considered with the fate of the world hanging in the balance and all that. It wasn't required, right? Just to come here and get your legs worked on? There aren't some rules about that, are there?"

"No, no there aren't. It was... a decision that had already been considered."

"Ah, so this was just a... catalyst of sorts?"

"You could say that, yes. This decision was a long time coming. My brother's behavior just made it clear that it was time for our paths to diverge." She took a deep shaky breath, trying her best not to feel overwhelmed. "And so here I am... alone."

"Well, that–" Tony said, and clapped his hands together once before raising one up in the air and waving it towards the door, "is where you are very wrong."

The doors opened and with it so did Sophia's mouth. In walked a crowd, all of whom Sophia recognized from days before.

"I hope you don't mind–my friends wanted to come introduce themselves. Sorry you were left all alone last night. Things were a bit of a mess at the compound. We had clean up duty and had to get some details worked out before we hopped on a transport, Wizard Girl."

"She has a name, Tony," Steve Rogers grumbled to the man as he walked in beside Thor. Sophia was taken aback at seeing all of them cleaned up, away from battle. Especially Captain America, wearing a fresh uniform and no helmet. He cleaned up well.

"Lady Sophia Strange, I believe, is her given name." Thor said as he grinned at the woman.

Sophia smiled and looked at the crowd coming towards her. "Um, wow... and why exactly have all the Avengers come to visit me?" Suddenly a young girl came running around the group and jumped on Tony's lap. Sophia gasped and smiled wide. "And who is this young lady?"

"My name is Morgan. This is my daddy.," she said, poking Tony in the chest.

Sophia couldn't help but smile wide and then noticed the tall blonde woman coming to stand behind Tony as well.

Sophia Strange: The Newest Avenger (Steve Rogers x OC)Where stories live. Discover now