16. Until My Darkness Goes

Start from the beginning

"Let me fucking go! I can't stand you. I hate you!" I screamed at him.

Lies... All lies! My brain yells at me.

"You know that's a lie." He whispers and I found myself slapping him across the face, a loud slap echoed throughout the studio and he didn't budge. I just wanted to hit him again, his hand caught my wrist. There was a small distance between me and the wall, my bare back touching the cool wall.

"Let me go!" I pleaded, we were both panting trying to catch our breath.
"You can shout at me, scream at me and hit me all you want Isla. But don't you feel this with us? When I touch you, we belong together." He whispers as his breath hits my face. Chills were travelling down my spine, I was trying to fight back the tears.

Yes, I feel it. Your touch

"Kiss me one last time." I whispered and he nodded and pressed his lips against mine, I jumped onto him and entangled my fingers into his curly hair, feeling him for the last time I would ever see him. As more tears streamed down my face.

I pulled away and pushed him away.

"I'll always love you William with all my heart, I'll never forget your touch. But you might be a father and your life can't have me in it." I whispered and more tears streamed down my face.

"Isla don't do this please." He whispered.

"I'm sorry Will but it is done." I whispered and he nodded while his lips captured mine in a sweet kiss on my lips, our tears mixing each others. The passion and love his embrace held, his lips and savouring his touch. But it had to end, I pulled away from the kiss and his embrace. A tear streaming down his face, as we distanced ourselves from each other. More tears, as the distance between us grew. I felt a choked sob escape my lips and found myself sliding down the wall and I began to sob bitterly.

I couldn't tell him I was leaving, I heard footsteps behind me. I think it was Austin, and he crouched down next to me. His arms were open and I crawled into his arms, and clutched onto him sobbing into his chest. He was tried to soothe me, as I sobbed into his shoulder.

"My poor sister, why did you do that?" Austin whispers into my hair.

"You can't tell him Austin." I whispered to him, while my brother made me look at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"I'm leaving Austin, I got accepted into the art program in Verona." I said and his eyes widened as saucers.

"You have to tell him Isla, you can't just leave like that." Austin said, while he held me close.

"Promise me you won't tell him." I pleaded with him.

"I won't and I'll tell the others won't either. Although Isla I don't believe Rosalie's child is Will's." Austin whispers.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Just a hunch." Austin said.


I found myself walking in the rain, thinking about the last kiss we shared. The world was fading into black, I was angry and hurt. So much nonsense was going on. My iPhone dings and there was a text from Rosalie.

Rosalie: Will, we need to talk.

What was there to talk about? You messed up my relationship, broke it off with me and now dropped this fucking bombshell on me. There was a feeling within me that I knew that child wasn't mine, it couldn't be mine. I found myself on Rosalie's doorstep.

"Rosalie, what more is there to talk about?" I asked her.

"The results came in." She says, I prayed that it wasn't mine.

"What does it say?" I asked and she handed me the letter and my face paled, but I could see Ash looking angry.

I read the letter and saw....

A/N: DUN! DUN! What will the result say? Is Will the father? Will Isla leave? Comment your thoughts! - MyVictim

P.S: Thank you all for the 3k reads, I couldn't have done it without you guys! It means a lot! 🖤

Song: Paint It Black (Ciara)

To The Hellfire (Will Ramos)Where stories live. Discover now