Chapter Twenty-One - Zay

Start from the beginning

I planned out that night to a T knowing I'd get away with it, too. But as we were looking at each other, I couldn't do it. He deserved to know how fucked-up it was to be the cause of her death, but he didn't deserve to die for it. I didn't even know if he was the cause. I had to blame someone.

I wasn't a killer.

I broke our eye contact and pulled out a photo of Lillian and me. I wondered why her parents didn't take this. The glass was cracked, conveniently over her face.

My fingertips moved across the glass, her beautiful smile cracked, like our hearts. "It's weird not having her around."

He took the picture from me and smirked. "Weird not being able to call her when I can't sleep."


He touched my face in the picture and slowly rolled his eyes up my body, stopping on my lips before meeting my eyes again. "I'm sorry for the last time. I was in—we both were in a bad spot." He shook his head and put the picture frame down. "I got really high before going to her funeral and I wasn't in control. I'm just...I'm sorry."

I took his hand, squeezing. I was still uncomfortable being around him. Petrified he'd do it again without anyone around to hear me scream. Although, with the look on his face, I knew he wasn't going to do anything. Guilt struck him.



There was also that lingering sensation that churned in the pit of my stomach. I knew he was hiding something.

And that something had to do with Lillian Delano's suicide.

I nodded, looking at the box between us. "All is forgiven." A chuckle left me when I looked at the picture again. "Drugs make us do stupid shit."

"We hooked up because of them."

I narrowed my eyes in thought. "Was it Molly?"

"MDMA." He rolled his eyes. "Same thing."

"I don't remember a lot about that night, I just remember waking up beside you. And being so thirsty. That's why I left. To get a drink. Then I couldn't remember which dorm was note said it all but you never called."

He frowned. "You didn't leave a note."

"I did."

He wiped a hand down his face. "Fuck, if I would've known—"

I swatted a hand in the air. "It's fine. The past is the past. But having sex while high is the best." I smooth out the blanket beside me. "In this very bed Lillian refused to sleep in."

He laughed, putting the picture frame back in the box. "Can you blame her? It's not like you or her were the only people I've brought here."

I gasped sarcastically. "Whore."

He nudged my arm with a chuckle. "You're one to talk, sweetie."

"Shut up." I lay on my side, leaning my head on my fist. "Although, I'm a pretty good lay, I'll give myself that."

He chuckled, sticking his tongue between his teeth. "Yeah, you are."

I scrunched my nose and picked at a loose piece of thread on his comforter. I knew what he was thinking and it crossed my mind before I showed up tonight. To give him one more night of pleasure before I ended his life.

I had to put a stop to it. To all of it.

"I met someone. Someone I think might be my person, but I'm not sure. We're going for pizza tomorrow."

FORBIDDEN: The Stowaway PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now